The Red Heifer Ritual


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The Red Heifer Ritual: The Last Piece of the Third Temple Puzzle

The Red Heifer Ritual is set to be the definitive guidebook on understanding the enigmatic ceremony involving a pure red heifer to be slaughtered and burned on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. Biblical prophecy is unfolding at a rapid pace and the book you hold in your hands will help you understand fully all the Third Temple preparations of the religious Jews in the land of Israel and around the world. After almost 2000 years, Jewish rabbis have all the pieces in place to erect this temple on the Temple Mount… except for one last piece of the puzzle.

• What do Daniel, Jesus, Paul and John have to say about a coming Third Temple?

• Why do the Jewish rabbis believe that they need to slaughter a red heifer?

• How does the New Testament correlate the red heifer with the ministry of Jesus?

• When will the rabbis choose to conduct the red heifer ceremony?

• Should Christians support the red heifer and Third Temple movements?

• Find out what your favorite, trusted prophecy teachers think about this topic.


Chapter 1: Introduction  

Modern Israel’s Founding and Religious Climate

Why Should We Even Care About the Red Heifer?

Chapter 2: The Red Heifer in the Bible  

The Red Heifer Commandment: Numbers 19:1-22

Numbers 19:1-6

Numbers 19:7-13

Numbers 19:14-22

Chapter 3: The Red Heifer in Rabbinic Tradition  

How old must the red heifer be in order to be slaughtered?

How many non-red hairs will disqualify the heifer?

Where is the location the red heifer is supposed to be slaughtered?

Is it okay if the heifer is not raised in Israel or can it be purchased from Gentiles (non-Jews)?

Chapter 4: The Rabbis are Changing Their Thinking in Recent Years  

Chapter 5: The Pre-Temple Preparations  

Chapter 6: The Modern Search for the Red Heifer  

The Beginning Searches (1980s-2020)

The Latest 5 Red Heifers (Arrived in Israel September 15, 2022)

Chapter 7: What is the New Testament Significance of the Red Heifer  

Chapter 8: Your Favorite Prophecy Teachers Respond to the Red Heifer Movement 

Chapter 9: Seeking a Balanced Biblical Outlook on the Red Heifer Movement 

What Does the New Testament Teach about the Second Temple and Its  Destruction?

What is the Spiritual Condition of National Israel Today?

My Answers to the Three Questions About the Red Heifer Movement

Chapter 10: Concluding Thoughts on the Red Heifer Movement

Appendix 1: Alfred Edersheim and The Temple, Its Ministry and Services as They Were at the Time of Jesus Christ 

Appendix 2: Josephus Discusses the Red Heifer 

The Red Heifer Ritual


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The Red Heifer Ritual: The Last Piece of the Third Temple Puzzle

The Red Heifer Ritual is set to be the definitive guidebook on understanding the enigmatic ceremony involving a pure red heifer to be slaughtered and burned on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. Biblical prophecy is unfolding at a rapid pace and the book you hold in your hands will help you understand fully all the Third Temple preparations of the religious Jews in the land of Israel and around the world. After almost 2000 years, Jewish rabbis have all the pieces in place to erect this temple on the Temple Mount… except for one last piece of the puzzle.

• What do Daniel, Jesus, Paul and John have to say about a coming Third Temple?

• Why do the Jewish rabbis believe that they need to slaughter a red heifer?

• How does the New Testament correlate the red heifer with the ministry of Jesus?

• When will the rabbis choose to conduct the red heifer ceremony?

• Should Christians support the red heifer and Third Temple movements?

• Find out what your favorite, trusted prophecy teachers think about this topic.


Chapter 1: Introduction  

Modern Israel’s Founding and Religious Climate

Why Should We Even Care About the Red Heifer?

Chapter 2: The Red Heifer in the Bible  

The Red Heifer Commandment: Numbers 19:1-22

Numbers 19:1-6

Numbers 19:7-13

Numbers 19:14-22

Chapter 3: The Red Heifer in Rabbinic Tradition  

How old must the red heifer be in order to be slaughtered?

How many non-red hairs will disqualify the heifer?

Where is the location the red heifer is supposed to be slaughtered?

Is it okay if the heifer is not raised in Israel or can it be purchased from Gentiles (non-Jews)?

Chapter 4: The Rabbis are Changing Their Thinking in Recent Years  

Chapter 5: The Pre-Temple Preparations  

Chapter 6: The Modern Search for the Red Heifer  

The Beginning Searches (1980s-2020)

The Latest 5 Red Heifers (Arrived in Israel September 15, 2022)

Chapter 7: What is the New Testament Significance of the Red Heifer  

Chapter 8: Your Favorite Prophecy Teachers Respond to the Red Heifer Movement 

Chapter 9: Seeking a Balanced Biblical Outlook on the Red Heifer Movement 

What Does the New Testament Teach about the Second Temple and Its  Destruction?

What is the Spiritual Condition of National Israel Today?

My Answers to the Three Questions About the Red Heifer Movement

Chapter 10: Concluding Thoughts on the Red Heifer Movement

Appendix 1: Alfred Edersheim and The Temple, Its Ministry and Services as They Were at the Time of Jesus Christ 

Appendix 2: Josephus Discusses the Red Heifer 

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