
UFO Disclosure – Complete Series 10 DVDs

Original price was: $159.92.Current price is: $125.00.


Many of you know L.A. Marzulli through his Watchers Series where he explores the supernatural side of life. Others through his relentless pursuit of the Nephilim in remote locations, museums and hidden caves around the world. His latest series of adventures has him on a mission to warn the world of a soon coming alien visitation. The Bible warns us of a time when the Antichrist will appear with lying signs and wonders. Scripture says people believe THE LIE. Could the lie be an explanation for the disappearance of millions of people in the rapture, removed by the so-called progenitors of the human race millions of years ago?

L.A. has been laser-focused on the UFO/UAP phenomenon. He coined the phrase, “when we go up, they show up.” Tucker Carlson interviewed military pilots who’ve encountered crafts that travel at 4,000 mph and defy gravity with impossible maneuvers. Then, a former government insider came forward as a “whistleblower,” claiming our government is in possession of multiple  alien crafts that have been used over the years to reverse engineer their advanced technology. Just recently, a UFO crashed in the backyard of a family in Las Vegas and two grayish/greenish 8-10 foot creatures with big heads, eyes and mouths stepped out! They described them as 100% NOT HUMAN! Join L.A. Marzulli as he explores the dark side of Bible prophecy, from alien abductions, to interviews with people who have experienced close encounters and on to the mysterious crop circle phenomenon. Disclosure is imminent!

UFO Disclosure Episode 9 & 10 – What is the truth?


UFO Disclosure Episode 7 – Revisiting Roswell: Exoneration
UFO Disclosure Episode 8 – Revisiting Roswell: Evidence from the Debris Field


UFO Disclosure Part 6: Cattle Mutilations


UFO Disclosure Part 5: Crop Circles – Exposing the Secret Language of the Dragon!

The curious crop circle phenomenon first appeared in the mid-1600s, known then by locals as “The Devil’s Mowing.” But once the 1970s arrived, the appearance of crop circles exploded. Centered around highly charged electromagnetic ley-lines, primarily in the mysterious Stonehenge area of England, these elaborate geometric designs, cut overnight into fields of wheat, suggest an advanced civilization, perhaps of extraterrestrial origin. Highly advanced mathematical equations were examined and deciphered, complete with sacred geometry and hidden messages for mankind. Most of these signs can only be seen from the air. Who is the Prince of the Power of the Air?

Best-selling author and filmmaker, L. A. Marzulli, interviews some of the world’s leading crop circle researchers, men like Hugh Newman and Francisco Carrera. In this hour long expose of the crop circle movement, they join L.A. at the Crop Circle Museum in England! Prepare to have your mind blown as you will discover who is behind the crop circle phenomenon. The Secret Language of the Dragon!




Prepare to have your sense of safety obliterated

If you met them on the street you would never notice them. There’s nothing remarkable about them or that stands out as being anything but ordinary.

They’re kids, moms and dads, grandparents, pilots, blue-collar workers, executives, homemakers – they’re just ordinary people who share a horrible and alarming secret that has been ignored by law enforcement, media and political leadership alike.

They have all been taken.

Taken against their will. Without warning. Without mercy. And without any way to stop it from happening again.

What is going on?

Who – or what – is entering the homes of people and removing them? And once removed, what is being done to them?

L.A. Marzulli rips the cover off this terrifying secret in never-before-seen interviews as people discuss the one thing that binds them together – something has taken them and is seemingly unable to be stopped. What they have seen and experienced defies traditional explanations but demands an answer.

Join L.A. Marzulli as he listens to them tell their stories and offers biblical answers to this alarming problem.


We are climbing up the ladder of disclosure…

I have no idea what the top rung is!

I’m not an expert in this field, but I’ll tell you right now.. this happens not once, not twice, but three times, defying the laws of gravity and things I would understand.

I was just stopped to appreciate the lights of downtown Vancouver.. then something caught my eye… a small dark object, it had no light, no sound, it didn’t reflect any light either.

My sleep is interrupted by something, a presence in the room…when I did look at them, it’s like they’re soulless. It’s like looking into the eyes of a rattlesnake.

I’m walking directly underneath of it. There’s no rivets. There were no letters. There were no seams. It was like it was made out of a mold.. still making no noise…when it passed a branch, nothing came out on the other side! It was just the whole half of the craft there, but passed the branch nothing was there.

All of a sudden the car stopped. The air was very still. There was no wind, and the air was very weird. It wasn’t hot or cold. It was very neutral. There was a weird object coming through the air. It was like something unzipped. It was like multi-dimensional…all of a sudden I was lifted off the ground. About three feet.

Then it disappeared. Eugene tapped me and said “It’s still there. Look at the street.” And there was a big round circle in the middle of the street where there was no rain coming down.

What is it that millions of people are encountering on a regular basis? What is it flying through our skies, seemingly with impunity? What is it that shadows our most sophisticated aircraft then performs maneuvers impossible with anything in the military inventories of the world?


Join L.A. Marzulli as he shines a light on more disturbing evidence and starting in-person accounts of observations and experiences that demand answers.



That’s not from the latest sci-fi flick, but a direct quote from a recently released Pentagon report.

In the Pentagon’s report we find other startling – and alarming – details.

Of 143 reports containing some sort of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP),142 were “unexplained.”

Even more alarming, however, is the section of the report which states there are “‘unexplained pregnancies” by people who have been abducted by these craft!

In a recent interview regarding material in the possession of the United States government, Tucker Carlson, and Luis Elizondo, the former Director of the Pentagon’s UFO/UAP program (AATIP), “Why do you think this material might be connected to UFOs?”

Elizondo’s reply? “Well without getting into a lot of detail right now.…. it’s going to be what the analysis tells us. If you have for example interesting isotopic ratios that are not normally found let’s say on this planet then you have to scratch your head and either A) it’s been engineered that way or B) it came from somewhere else.”

If these craft came “from somewhere else,” who – or what – is inside?

In this second installment of the ground-breaking Disclosure series, L.A. Marzulli interviews experts in his quest for the truth about what is happening in the skies above us.

In short, UFOs are real, burgeoning and NOT going away.
Please watch the film and turn up your speakers!

SHARE THE FILM with your pastor, friends, loved ones, Rabbi, Imam or priest. Get the word out as I believe this is the Coming Great Deception.

L. A. Marzulli



UFOs have gone main stream! There was a report on “60 Minutes” where it was stated that the US government has verified that UFOs are real.

On Fox News, Tucker Carlson has had a series of guest on discussing the validity of the phenomenon.

The Pentagon stated that we have in our possession off-world vehicles not made on the earth.

In short, UFOs are real, burgeoning and NOT going away.
Please watch the film and turn up your speakers!

SHARE THE FILM with your pastor, friends, loved ones, Rabbi, Imam or priest. Get the word out as I believe this is the Coming Great Deception and Luciferian End-game.

L. A. Marzulli


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UFO Disclosure – Complete Series 10 DVDs

Original price was: $159.92.Current price is: $125.00.

Product Details

Many of you know L.A. Marzulli through his Watchers Series where he explores the supernatural side of life. Others through his relentless pursuit of the Nephilim in remote locations, museums and hidden caves around the world. His latest series of adventures has him on a mission to warn the world of a soon coming alien visitation. The Bible warns us of a time when the Antichrist will appear with lying signs and wonders. Scripture says people believe THE LIE. Could the lie be an explanation for the disappearance of millions of people in the rapture, removed by the so-called progenitors of the human race millions of years ago?

L.A. has been laser-focused on the UFO/UAP phenomenon. He coined the phrase, “when we go up, they show up.” Tucker Carlson interviewed military pilots who’ve encountered crafts that travel at 4,000 mph and defy gravity with impossible maneuvers. Then, a former government insider came forward as a “whistleblower,” claiming our government is in possession of multiple  alien crafts that have been used over the years to reverse engineer their advanced technology. Just recently, a UFO crashed in the backyard of a family in Las Vegas and two grayish/greenish 8-10 foot creatures with big heads, eyes and mouths stepped out! They described them as 100% NOT HUMAN! Join L.A. Marzulli as he explores the dark side of Bible prophecy, from alien abductions, to interviews with people who have experienced close encounters and on to the mysterious crop circle phenomenon. Disclosure is imminent!

UFO Disclosure Episode 9 & 10 – What is the truth?


UFO Disclosure Episode 7 – Revisiting Roswell: Exoneration
UFO Disclosure Episode 8 – Revisiting Roswell: Evidence from the Debris Field


UFO Disclosure Part 6: Cattle Mutilations


UFO Disclosure Part 5: Crop Circles – Exposing the Secret Language of the Dragon!

The curious crop circle phenomenon first appeared in the mid-1600s, known then by locals as “The Devil’s Mowing.” But once the 1970s arrived, the appearance of crop circles exploded. Centered around highly charged electromagnetic ley-lines, primarily in the mysterious Stonehenge area of England, these elaborate geometric designs, cut overnight into fields of wheat, suggest an advanced civilization, perhaps of extraterrestrial origin. Highly advanced mathematical equations were examined and deciphered, complete with sacred geometry and hidden messages for mankind. Most of these signs can only be seen from the air. Who is the Prince of the Power of the Air?

Best-selling author and filmmaker, L. A. Marzulli, interviews some of the world’s leading crop circle researchers, men like Hugh Newman and Francisco Carrera. In this hour long expose of the crop circle movement, they join L.A. at the Crop Circle Museum in England! Prepare to have your mind blown as you will discover who is behind the crop circle phenomenon. The Secret Language of the Dragon!




Prepare to have your sense of safety obliterated

If you met them on the street you would never notice them. There’s nothing remarkable about them or that stands out as being anything but ordinary.

They’re kids, moms and dads, grandparents, pilots, blue-collar workers, executives, homemakers – they’re just ordinary people who share a horrible and alarming secret that has been ignored by law enforcement, media and political leadership alike.

They have all been taken.

Taken against their will. Without warning. Without mercy. And without any way to stop it from happening again.

What is going on?

Who – or what – is entering the homes of people and removing them? And once removed, what is being done to them?

L.A. Marzulli rips the cover off this terrifying secret in never-before-seen interviews as people discuss the one thing that binds them together – something has taken them and is seemingly unable to be stopped. What they have seen and experienced defies traditional explanations but demands an answer.

Join L.A. Marzulli as he listens to them tell their stories and offers biblical answers to this alarming problem.


We are climbing up the ladder of disclosure…

I have no idea what the top rung is!

I’m not an expert in this field, but I’ll tell you right now.. this happens not once, not twice, but three times, defying the laws of gravity and things I would understand.

I was just stopped to appreciate the lights of downtown Vancouver.. then something caught my eye… a small dark object, it had no light, no sound, it didn’t reflect any light either.

My sleep is interrupted by something, a presence in the room…when I did look at them, it’s like they’re soulless. It’s like looking into the eyes of a rattlesnake.

I’m walking directly underneath of it. There’s no rivets. There were no letters. There were no seams. It was like it was made out of a mold.. still making no noise…when it passed a branch, nothing came out on the other side! It was just the whole half of the craft there, but passed the branch nothing was there.

All of a sudden the car stopped. The air was very still. There was no wind, and the air was very weird. It wasn’t hot or cold. It was very neutral. There was a weird object coming through the air. It was like something unzipped. It was like multi-dimensional…all of a sudden I was lifted off the ground. About three feet.

Then it disappeared. Eugene tapped me and said “It’s still there. Look at the street.” And there was a big round circle in the middle of the street where there was no rain coming down.

What is it that millions of people are encountering on a regular basis? What is it flying through our skies, seemingly with impunity? What is it that shadows our most sophisticated aircraft then performs maneuvers impossible with anything in the military inventories of the world?


Join L.A. Marzulli as he shines a light on more disturbing evidence and starting in-person accounts of observations and experiences that demand answers.



That’s not from the latest sci-fi flick, but a direct quote from a recently released Pentagon report.

In the Pentagon’s report we find other startling – and alarming – details.

Of 143 reports containing some sort of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP),142 were “unexplained.”

Even more alarming, however, is the section of the report which states there are “‘unexplained pregnancies” by people who have been abducted by these craft!

In a recent interview regarding material in the possession of the United States government, Tucker Carlson, and Luis Elizondo, the former Director of the Pentagon’s UFO/UAP program (AATIP), “Why do you think this material might be connected to UFOs?”

Elizondo’s reply? “Well without getting into a lot of detail right now.…. it’s going to be what the analysis tells us. If you have for example interesting isotopic ratios that are not normally found let’s say on this planet then you have to scratch your head and either A) it’s been engineered that way or B) it came from somewhere else.”

If these craft came “from somewhere else,” who – or what – is inside?

In this second installment of the ground-breaking Disclosure series, L.A. Marzulli interviews experts in his quest for the truth about what is happening in the skies above us.

In short, UFOs are real, burgeoning and NOT going away.
Please watch the film and turn up your speakers!

SHARE THE FILM with your pastor, friends, loved ones, Rabbi, Imam or priest. Get the word out as I believe this is the Coming Great Deception.

L. A. Marzulli



UFOs have gone main stream! There was a report on “60 Minutes” where it was stated that the US government has verified that UFOs are real.

On Fox News, Tucker Carlson has had a series of guest on discussing the validity of the phenomenon.

The Pentagon stated that we have in our possession off-world vehicles not made on the earth.

In short, UFOs are real, burgeoning and NOT going away.
Please watch the film and turn up your speakers!

SHARE THE FILM with your pastor, friends, loved ones, Rabbi, Imam or priest. Get the word out as I believe this is the Coming Great Deception and Luciferian End-game.

L. A. Marzulli


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