Did The Apple Change Adam and Eve’s Genetics?

LA Marzulli explores theological questions, UFOs, and emergency preparedness while promoting his book and food supply sponsor.

– 🍏 Discussion on Adam and Eve’s potential genetic change after eating the apple.
– 👽 UFOs and their connection to fallen angels are explored.
– 🙏 Spiritual warfare and overcoming demonic attacks through Jesus.
– 📚 Promotion of the book “Rungs of Disclosure” and its insights.
– ⏳ Importance of emergency food supplies for preparedness.
– 🤔 Speculation on the nature of the Antichrist candidates.
– 💡 Personal testimonies of encounters with the divine.

– 🍏 **Genetic Change:** The narrative suggests that Adam and Eve may have experienced a genetic transformation after eating the apple, leading to fear and shame, indicating a shift in their being.
– 👽 **UFOs as Entities:** The belief that UFOs could be inter dimensional entities aligns with biblical narratives of fallen angels, hinting at a deeper spiritual warfare beyond physical phenomena.
– 🙏 **Spiritual Warfare:** Individuals facing demonic attacks can find strength in faith, emphasizing the need for spiritual armor and authority in Christ to combat these forces.
– 📚 **Importance of Education:** Marzulli stresses the need for understanding the implications of UFO phenomena and their biblical connections, urging believers to educate themselves and others.
– ⏳ **Preparedness:** The emphasis on emergency food supplies highlights the importance of being self-reliant and prepared for unforeseen circumstances, supporting family security.
– 🤔 **Antichrist Speculation:** Caution is advised against labeling political figures as the Antichrist, promoting a more nuanced understanding of prophecy and the many antichrists present throughout history.
– 💡 **Personal Encounters:** Testimonies of spiritual and otherworldly encounters serve to encourage faith, suggesting that God reveals truths and comforts believers in times of distress.



FULL RUMBLE EPISODE LINK HERE: https://rumble.com/v5flxjx-the-managed-agenda.html?mref=5aegf&mc=51nbs

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