Karin Wilkinson discusses her experiences with UFOs and the breeding program, emphasizing the dark nature of these entities and their connection to biblical narratives.

– 👽 Karin Wilkinson’s book, “Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest,” explores dark UFO phenomena.
– 👾 Discussion on “tall whites” as potentially evil entities, not benevolent beings.
– ✝️ Emphasis on Jesus’ power over nefarious entities and personal faith.
– 🍽️ Sponsor My Patriot Supply offers long-lasting emergency food kits.
– 📖 Mention of the breeding program and its historical context from the 1950s.
– 🌌 Connection between biblical narratives and modern UFO phenomena.
– 🕵️‍♂️ Importance of understanding the reality behind UFOs and potential deception.

– 🧠 The perception of “tall whites” and other entities as malevolent challenges the narrative of them being “space brothers.” Their true nature aligns with biblical descriptions of fallen angels.
– 🔍 The distinction between hybrids and original entities highlights the evolution of these beings, suggesting a more insidious agenda at play.
– ✨ Experiences of abduction and manipulation are real and should not be dismissed as mere delusions, as they hold significant emotional and psychological impacts.
– 📜 The breeding program is linked to biblical prophecies, indicating a historical continuum of malevolent interactions with humanity.
– 🛡️ The significance of faith in Jesus as a protective measure against these entities is a recurring theme, providing hope and strength to experiencers.
– 📚 The need for education and awareness regarding these phenomena is crucial to avoid deception and misinformation.
– 🕰️ The convergence of historical events, such as the Roswell incident and the establishment of Israel, suggests a larger, prophetic timeline at work.



FULL RUMBLE EPISODE LINK HERE: https://rumble.com/v5flxjx-the-managed-agenda.html?mref=5aegf&mc=51nbs

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