Join L. A. Marzulli on his quest to find the truth in Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural

URGENT Message!

The PPS Report on Youtube will be the “safe” version so if you want “the Full MONTY” go to our Rumble, Roku, or Bitchute account or download the app and watch L.A. tell us what he really thinks as he’s uncut, uncensored and his hair’s on fire!!! So there’s now two shows but the same intrepid host! 

“I will not go quietly.”

– L.A. Marzulli



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About L. a. Marzulli

L. A. brings passion, inspiration, and deep research experience to the intersection of current events, prophecy, and the supernatural. He travels the world to dig up new truths and create revelatory content for his community of followers.

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