Want to be part of an EXPERIMENT! LOL

We are in dire need of someone to assist anthropologist Rick Woodward in a “dig” with a replica of an ancient hoe. We’re willing to pay $50 per hour to have you accompany Rick to the site and dig with this replica!

You’ll also be on camera and will be in my new upcoming film Mysterious Moundbuilders!
The site is in Louisiana. It’s a one-day adventure and we need it done ASAP! Living near Poverty Point Louisianna would be very helpful

If you’re interested please email ASAP! la@lamarzulli.net

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11 Responses

  1. If this is at the mounds in Lake Providence, I would be willing to help. That is, if you don’t find someone a bit tougher than me. Lol. Just let me know!

    1. I didn’t read it very carefully. One day would not work for me. Too expensive to get there.

  2. I’m interested in helping with the dig. Could even use the exercise. ?
    Would love to go.
    Sent from my iPhone

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