UFO Report! Acceleration Radio LIVE Tonight!

UFOs are real, burgeoning and not going away. L. A. Marzulli

UFO ‘evidence’: Recordings reveal air traffic control’s confusion at strange craft over Oregon


The unidentified flying object was first detected tearing through the air above Northern California by radar stations in Oakland. It was 4:30 p.m. It was unexpected. It was traveling “very fast at 37,000”.

It wasn’t supposed to be there.

At this point the recordings reveal the U.S. military was also aware of the strange aircraft. Air traffic controllers are told the Air Force was examining the radar track.

Then the unknown flying object did something potentially dangerous.

It took a sudden turn into a crowded stream of commercial airliners. There it disappeared from radar. But not from sight.

Startled commercial pilots began calling in reports.

Concerned and confused, for the next 30 minutes pilots and controllers tried to make sense of what was going on. (from FOX NEWS)

Commentary and Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

After reading the article I linked to above it’s almost impossible to say what was actually seen and reported on. However, my takeaway is the article is more of the ongoing “soft-disclosure” that started back in December of 2017, when our government admitted Area 51 existed, and there was a government agency to study UFOs. Then there was the former pilot, Fravor who gave an interview with Tucker Carlson on FOX News about his UFO encounter. He stated on camera that what he saw: was not of this world.
Disclosure is an ongoing event and it makes me wonder when “the other shoe” will drop. Most of us are aware of what happened in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. Some folks insist nothing crashed but a weather balloon but then we have other accounts from credible witnesses—I’m referring to Colonel Hill in my film—who stated that he tried to make contact with one of the beings that were still alive from the crash. It’s a great story and there’s no way to actually vet it other than taking the colonel on his word.
Then there’s Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr. who stated in an interview I conducted with him, that his father brought home some of the wreckage from the UFO crash site and that he had handled it.
So we have two witnesses.
So with that in mind what if “they” trot out photographs from the 1947 crash-site? What if the-powers-that-be admit that what crashed was not a weather balloon?
In closing today’s post. The UFO phenomenon continues. Sightings are at an all-time high. Could we see more “disclosure” this year? I think we will.

In Their Own Words: UFOs are Real!
go to www.lamarzulli.net
or rent it on VIMEO L A Marzulli


Marsha’s News Links!

http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/kimball/180219  Why post-Christian Pagan America has succumbed to transgender (androgyny)
https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/02/there_is_only_one_way_to_stop_school_shootings.html   Remember if the citizenry is not able to protect itself we become sitting ducks.  Look at what Germany, China, Russia, Cambodia, France, England, Italy, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina,  etc. did to their own country people.  Look at what is happening in the Middle East/Africa/South America now…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfkgszMdaN4   This shows a nation without protection
https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/02/interactive_map_of_needles_and_feces_in_san_francisco_has_great_user_interface.html   This proves degradation of civilization/lack of caring and mismanagement.
http://dailysignal.com/2018/02/19/parents-just-lost-custody-of-teenage-daughter-who-wants-to-transition-to-a-boy-what-you-need-to-know/    Our kids don’t even know who they are anymore.
Good News

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