Genesis 3:15 is the backstory to the prophetic narrative of Jesus Christ’s triumphant victory over the devil in Revelation, and it’s a backstory that many people don’t fully comprehend. L.A. Marzulli has given this plenty of thought and research for over four decades. He is the CEO of Spiral of Life, the author of 13 books, and the director and producer of 30 films. He is an expert on the subject of alien phenomena, End Times prophecy, and theories about the ancient Nephilim race. What does it all mean? Why is Genesis 3:15 so important? How will the rapture of the church of Christ tie into a potential global alien deception? L.A. shares his thoughts on all of this and more with his careful research and thought-provoking theories.
L.A. believes that the coming rapture may usher in a great deception for those unbelievers who are left behind
Genesis 6:4 says that there were Nephilim in the days of Noah and also after
L.A. Marzulli’s book, Counter Move: How the Nephilim Returned After the Flood, significantly expands on Genesis 6:4
The Nephilim have no soul and are unredeemable according to L.A.