

UFO whistleblowers face threats as Congressman admits inadequate protection, revealing a disturbing trend in UFO disclosure.


  • 👽 UFO whistleblowers, including Luis Elizondo, face threats of retaliation for pushing UFO transparency.
  • 💥 Congressman admits current whistleblower protections are insufficient, referring to them as a joke.
  • 🔍 David Grush testifies about threats and a secret government-run crash UFO retrieval program.
  • 🛸 Elizondo and other UFO whistleblowers express concerns about their safety and well-being.
  • 📚 Lamarzulli announces a new book on UFO disclosure, emphasizing the importance of Christians understanding the phenomenon.
  • 🌎 The UFO phenomenon continues to be a global concern, potentially leading to a significant revelation.
  • 🤔 Questions arise about the true nature of UFOs, extraterrestrial contact, and the implications for humanity’s future.

Key Insights

  • 👁️‍🗨️ UFO disclosure is accompanied by threats to whistleblowers, indicating a lack of adequate protection and potential risks involved in revealing classified information.
  • 🛡️ The admission by a Congressman about the insufficiency of whistleblower protections highlights the seriousness of the situation and the need for better safeguards for those who come forward with sensitive information.
  • 🌌 Testimonies from individuals like David Grush shed light on the existence of secret government programs related to UFOs, raising questions about the extent of extraterrestrial encounters and the government’s involvement.
  • 📖 The upcoming book by Lamarzulli signifies a growing interest in understanding UFO phenomena from a Christian perspective, emphasizing the importance of faith-based interpretations in navigating the complexities of disclosure.
  • 🌐 The global implications of UFO disclosure suggest a shift in how humanity perceives its place in the universe and the potential challenges and opportunities that may arise from acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial beings.
  • 🤯 The continuous unveiling of information about UFOs prompts reflection on the possible implications for society, including shifts in belief systems, technological advancements, and the need for international cooperation in addressing the phenomenon.
  • 🧠 Exploring key testimonies and developments in UFO disclosure provides valuable insights into the evolving nature of the phenomenon and its impact on various aspects of human society and consciousness.


00:00:01 UFOs are real burgening not going away this is another episode of UFO disclosure I am your Intrepid host and we’ll get into this um this new uh headline uh is is it another wrong on the lad disclosure I’m debating I’m debating because it’s it’s it’s very telling in my opinion anyway we’ll get into that but first a word from our trusted sponsor have you ever wondered what happened to the legendary Chuck Norris I recently saw a video he made and I was shocked the guy in his 80s and still

00:01:03 kicking butt and working out and staying active got to stop right there folks I was at a gym right after the fire in 20 um in in 2018 so we moved into Thousand Oaks and I was at the Y and one I walk in the all the weight stuff was in a trailer and I walked in with this guy old guy working out and I didn’t recognize him and I was following him and he was lifting weights that I could I could barely budge I’m going my gosh who is this guy and he’s reading a script and so we’re just the two of us in this little gym and I go hey man uh

00:01:38 hope you get the part and he just kind of looks at me and laughs and when I walk out to my car after I’m on my workout I realize oh my gosh that was Chuck Norris okay but I digress what’s even more shocking is Chuck Norris is stronger he can work out longer and he even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids he did this by just making one change he says he still feels better like he’s in his 50s his wife even started doing this one thing too and she’s never felt better she says she feels 10 years younger her body looks

00:02:08 leaner and she has energy all day Chuck made a special video that explains everything make sure you watch it by going to Chuck defense.com I’ll say it again folks chuck.com or by clicking in the link below this video it will change the way you think about your health once again that’s Chuck defense /a and click on the link in the description below to watch the video now just a reminder the legendary Chuck Norris is a whopping 81 years old and yet has more energy than I do he discovered he could create Dynamic

00:02:45 changes to his health simply focusing on three things that sabotage our body as we age folks check it out watch his method by clicking the link in the description box below once again that’s chuckdee La remember folks that story I told you about the the little trailer gym that I was in with Chuck Norris that’s true he was lifting weights that were heavier than I can lift check it out once again the website Chuck defense.com SL check out the video thanks so much for watching uh if you have not subscribed yet hit the little subscribe

00:03:22 button down below so the headlines here is UFO whistleblower says he’s being threatened as Congressman warns protections are a joke Luis alzando former head of advanced Aerospace threat identification program short for a tip said he face threats as he pushes for UFO transparency UFO whistleblowers are being threatened to protections currently in place are a joke a congressman told Fox News digital Lou alzando or Luis alzando was the head of a Secret Pentagon unit that studied UFOs and there have been threats against him

00:03:58 and several other whistleblowers David grush for one uh formerly associated with the UAP unidentified anomalous phenomena efforts for the US government I would like to make this perfectly clear to the American people I am not prone to accidents I am not suicidal I am not abusing drugs I am not engaged in any illicit activities um if something happens to me or my family members in the future you will know what happened I have basically stated the same thing you guys know that watch my channel I was

00:04:26 threatened in 2016 by someone from the deep state because of our work on the candle heart giant he threatened me three different ways the first one was this that when they came to arrest me for who knows what U they would find Kitty pouring on my cell phone what do you do with that the second one uh my car would have a sudden accident the third one one of my children would go missing and never be found again Luis alzando is basically stating the same thing and this is how the game is played so my heart goes out to Luis elzando and

00:04:57 the others who have come forward um trying to uh open this up here’s what I think is going to happen and some of you already know that when they get when they get ready when they get the go to reveal themselves they will reveal themselves and all the um you know hand ringing and and poo pooing and and name calling it’s not going to do anything when we get mile wide craft over different cities on this planet that’s the game Cher so what I do find interesting um huh you know it’s just it’s it’s not

00:05:35 going away is it and in fact it’s heating up let’s continue representative Tim bersett uh Tennessee and we’ve reached out to him um with one of his um uh constituents whatever to try to talk to him about it we basically sent them private links to our Roswell film haven’t heard a word and and I get that he’s very busy um he’s isolated probably very out of touch with what’s really going on if if you hear this or your daughter hears this or anyone in your family might be watching this we are the only Christian film making um

00:06:08 organization spal of life is our umbrella that’s the name of our organization we have 10 films in the UFO uh series 10 films all from a Christian perspective this is the coming great deception that I have warned about literally for decades literally for decades okay this is what we’re looking at U so burette says there is a whistle there is whistleblower protection but it’s a joke and we know it’s a joke the congressman in alzando had dinner around the time elzando made it known he was being threatened he didn’t detail what

00:06:38 the threats were or who made them but pette expressed his anger and said he’s alarm so let’s continue uh Lis o oano was a dear friend of mine and I take any threat against anyone seriously especially against friends and somebody who given so much to this country and to this issue UFOs brette said so I’m very aware of it and I’m very much alarm I’m pursuing every Avenue I can to get to the bottom of it the threats aimed at Alando and UFO whistleblowers aren’t new but are relatest in a disturbing Trend

00:07:10 last July David grush this is in my my forthcoming book The rungs of on the ladder of Disclosure by the way I have an announcement to make I’ll I’ll get to that in just a second uh lastly July last July David grush testified in front of Congress that his life was threatened and he was instructed to keep quiet about a secret government run crash UFO retrieval program for those of us who have been in the field for decades now this is nothing new all the people that we’ve interviewed in our films they all

00:07:39 know something is going on um how many times do we have to hear it before you know before things change before we actually get transparency um so David G says I can’t get into the specifics in an open form but what I personally witnessed myself and my my wife was very disturbing said grush a former US intelligence officer and Air Force veteran I faced brutal unfortunate tactics of Retribution that he called Administration administrative terrorism amazing elando was the former senior leader of the advanced Aerospace

00:08:12 threat identification program atip a shadow government program created From the Ashes of the aawsap advanced Aerospace weapon system application program veteran journalist George knap wrote in his testimony to Congress so it goes on from there that’s basically um what we need to know there was an admission by the energy Zar uh during a uh one of this exchange between GOP lawmakers and This Woman This research included reviewing new cases and much older Project Blue Book cases operating debriefing and investigatory teams and

00:08:49 proposal to set up Laboratories to examine any recovered UFO materials what what’s amazing about this is David grush stood up in front of Congress or he was actually was seated and stated on the record that the United States government your government my government has a group of of individuals who are part of an advanced team to retrieve crashed UFOs now when representative Nancy mace from South Carolina asked David grush uh in your opinion were there bodies that were retrieved he said yes we retrieved

00:09:23 biologics mace follows up with the question were these biologics human or non-human David gush looks right at the right up at her and states on the record nonhuman biologics folks UFOs are real there’s a physicality to all this anyone who tells you that there’s no physicality is selling you something or has no idea of what is really going on there is absolutely a physicality to the UFO phenomena I’ll be talking about it this week um uh actually on Saturday I speak twice and uh we took out the implant from Emil jorich that’s physical

00:09:58 that was put there by some there’s no entrance wound he was taken from a very early age sperm is taken from the men omam is taken from the woman it ties back into the Daniel 243 their seed will mingle with the seed of men but they will not cleave to them Jim willamson taught me this the word cleave is the word that we get for marriage Adam will leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife no cleaving no marriage at all in and and Daniel 243 they take what they want watch Karen’s testimony we U interviewed her last week

00:10:29 it’s just absolutely riveting and if you want to do a deep dive watch number four in our 10-part UFO series it’s on abductions you can go to streaming. lamarzulli.net streaming. lamarzulli.net watch it for yourself for a price of $4.99 cents less than a cup of coffee time to do your homework folks we’re the only Christian Ministry on the planet that has 10 films on UFOs we’ve done a deep dive I want to thank my business partner Gil Zimmerman for um teaming up with me and making the fil better so this is the last the last

00:11:02 three Roswell in the debris field Roswell exoneration this is 9 and 10 it’s it’s a two-part set what is the truth and uh this week by the way I will be on um Nino’s show I think you’ll find that interesting and um I hope to see you in Colorado anyway folks UFOs are real Bing not going away this is the coming great deception it is biblically rooted in my opinion many people disagree with that that’s fine people can think what they want to think but having been immersed in the phenomenon and being on both sides of the aisle

00:11:34 once entrenched in new age beliefs and then at 30 years old becoming a born again spiritful Christian I know the difference I’ve been in both camps I’ve been on both sides of the aisle so I bring a very unique perspective I know I’m boasting but I do and it’s it’s not that I do it I never thought I’d be doing what I’m doing but the Lord has led me and here we are so the announcement I have is this last Tuesday I signed a contract with charisma uh publishing company and I will be publishing the new book the latest book

00:12:04 The rung the rungs on of disclosure the rungs of UFO disclosure we’re still hashing out the title the book is complete my editor s Allison is working on it it’ll be handed off probably in the next 10 days back over to Charisma it’ll be out in the fall we will be selling it on our website as well so we still have under spiral of life but it’s but Charisma is going to blast this thing out and that’s why we we sign with them it’s time the time is now this is very important information Christians need to understand what it is they’re

00:12:35 looking at thanks so much for watching folks remember you can go to streaming. lamarzulli.net there are 30 Films there or go to our website lamar.com and you can download the books some of them are Kindle but you can buy the hard copies of DVDs hard copies of books thanks so much uh for watching we really appreciate it remember folks UFOs are real burining and not going away this is the coming great deception what happens if a mile wide craft shows up a Washington who’s behind it well at some level the government the

00:13:11 military and the intelligence Community it is a threat and it’s going to soon become a global threat and it’s going to require Global Response the UFO phenomenon has become the great offputting we’re going to get disclosure accidentally an interesting time to be alive we live in a time where literally the government told us these UFOs are real we don’t know what they are the question then is who are they in contact with are they truly extraterrestrial has mankind been visited by inhuman entities

00:13:43 what are your closing thoughts in regard to disclosure floodgates are open and all pets are off right now we’re definitely conditioning the masses for some kind of revealing of technolog for being visited by extraterrestrials if you look at the late night talk hosts when talking to all the presidents and they always bring up the question you know are you going to tell us anything if you look at their faces they know something folks the phenomenon is not going away we go up they show up we go up they come down to

00:14:14 warn of what we believe is the coming great deception [Music]


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