
The video script discusses the hidden history of Nephilim, focusing on mound discoveries in Wisconsin and the potential existence of giant skeletons. It also touches on Chuck Norris’s health secret and the UFO phenomenon.


  • Hidden history of Nephilim in mound discoveries 🏞️
  • Chuck Norris’s health secret revealed 🥋
  • Discovery of giant skeletons in Wisconsin mounds 🦴
  • Potential government cover-up of UFO phenomenon 🛸
  • Importance of disclosure in the UFO phenomenon 🌌
  • Conditioning of the masses for extraterrestrial contact 🛸
  • Warning about the coming great deception in the UFO phenomenon ⚠️

Key Insights

  • The script delves into the intriguing world of ancient mysteries and potential cover-ups related to the Nephilim, shedding light on lesser-known historical narratives and the presence of giant skeletons. 🧐
  • By incorporating Chuck Norris’s health secret, the script emphasizes the importance of taking care of one’s well-being and staying active, showcasing a unique blend of topics within the narrative. 💪
  • The discussion of potential government cover-ups and the UFO phenomenon adds a layer of mystery and conspiracy to the script, sparking curiosity about hidden truths and undisclosed information. 🛸
  • The mention of disclosure and the conditioning of the masses for extraterrestrial contact highlights the ongoing speculation and anticipation surrounding the possibility of revealing groundbreaking discoveries in the near future. 🌠
  • The warning about the coming great deception in the UFO phenomenon serves as a cautionary message, urging viewers to approach the topic with critical thinking and awareness of potential manipulations or false narratives. ⚠️


00:00:00 there is a hidden history that’s been deliberately opusc from the peoples of the world and that’s why I am on the trail of a Nephilim Genesis 6 narrative states that the Nephilim are on the earth in those days and also afterwards if that’s true can we find evidence that corroborates this I’m LA Marzulli join me as we go on the trail of a Nephilim [Music] so we’re going to talk about these Mounds in lak lawn um Wisconsin I think you’ll find it interesting I was there years ago I’ve talked about this before

00:01:09 but I’m referenced in this article here and I think you’ll find it very interesting but first a word from our trusted sponsor have you ever wondered what happened to the legendary Chuck Norris I recently saw a video he made and I was shocked the GU in his 80s and still kicking butt and working out and staying active got to stop right there folks I was at a gym right after the fire in 20 um in in 2018 so we moved into Thousand Oaks and I was at the why and one I walk in all the weight stuff was in a trailer and I walk in was this

00:01:44 guy old guy working out and I didn’t recognize him and I was following him and he was lifting weights that I could I could barely budge I’m going my gosh who is this guy and he’s reading a script and so we’re just the two of us in this little gym and I go hey man uh hope you get the part and he just kind of looks at me and laughs and when I walk out to my car after I’m on my workout I realize oh my gosh that was Chuck Norris okay but I digress what’s even more shocking is Chuck Norris is stronger he can work out longer and he

00:02:12 even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids he did this by just making one change he says he still feels better like he’s in his 50s his wife even started doing this one thing too and she’s never felt better she says she feels 10 years younger her body looks leaner and she has energy all day Chuck made a special video that explains everything make sure you watch it by going to Chuck defense.com I’ll say it again folks Chuck defense.com or by clicking in the link below this video it will change the way you think

00:02:48 about your health once again that’s Chuck defense.com and click on the link in the description below to watch the video now just a reminder the legendary Chuck Norris as a whopping 81 years old and yet has more energy than I do he discovered he could create Dynamic changes to his health simply focusing on three things that sabotage our body as we age folks check it out watch his method by clicking the link in the description box below once again that’s chuckdee was lifting weights that were heavier than I can lift check it out

00:03:34 once again the website Chuck defense.com forla check out the video hey folks thanks so much for watching uh and and tuning in here on our YouTube channel so I’m going to get into um this and they show in in the picture here it’s like a platform Mound that you can see and we’ll see what the article says and how I’m referenced not by name so here we go growing up in Fontana somehow never occurred to me that there was a history of Geneva Lake before the pami arrived that’s the Native American tribe I

00:04:07 remember hearing stories as a kid about Chief Bigfoot and where his village was located I also went to homecoming dancers at the local high school bearing his name to me Lake Geneva has always felt steeped in patami Heritage so how was it possible that I missed several thousand years of history in truth there were centuries even Millennia of activity before the pomy now she from there she goes and I’m I’m I’m going to skip some of this but she goes down to the Mastadon Hunters this goes back into

00:04:34 10,000 years according to her particular Paradigm uh the mound builders the next big clue the next big clue to Wisconsin’s earliest inhabitants was the discovery of Earth and mounds which are most prominent in the Southeastern part of the state this is where it gets interesting archaeologists now know that mountain building began as early as 500 BC and continued to 1100 ad the style of mountains changed greatly over time time she continues on there um Mounds started to include not only human remains but

00:05:06 also rare Goods according to lesie Eisenberg and Richard Birmingham co-authors of Indian mounds of Wisconsin mounds of this era included everything from freshwater pearls and shell beads to Bear canines and pipe I get that and that’s very interesting so now it goes into the mystery of the Mounds these Traditions gave way to the most fascinating era in mound building Effigy or shape-based Mounds these were large Earth and mounds in the shapes of birds Bears manlike figures Turtles and other forms Wisconsin once had more than 2,500

00:05:38 Effigy mountains a phenomenon that has mystified archaeologist residents and tourists for the last centuries everyone has asked what do these mountains symbolize and it it goes on from there this is I finally get to the PID dirt Delan lake lake Delan okay mounds of all types were built in the Geneva Lake area with an important collection at Delan Lake now I’ve been to that site I spent like a week in Wisconsin um along with a good friend of mine Jeff Greg and we we were all over that place we didn’t it’s an

00:06:10 old trail the Philips brothers who were digging there um back in 191 I actually went to Madison and spent time in the archives there so let’s continue one false claim is that the lake once had over 400 Mounds internet sources including the Delan Historical Society credit this to a survey conducted by uh booy College in 1912 but no such survey ever took place Professor Bill Green a leading Anthropologist at the college confirms that there was no record of a survey there is still the possibility of course that more mounts

00:06:45 existed than we have in the official records Steven DP claimed in 1886 for example that Delan Lake had 10 bird Effigy Mounds since only two remain when Sur surveyors arrived it is difficult to know how many were lost to the public record uh of the mound surveyed by Charles E Brown a famous Wisconsin archaeolog just one important site was the inlet Mound group located in what is now in the town of Delan Community Park this featured an 85 foot bird Effigy and several conical mountains one of the circular mountains had a long tail

00:07:18 attached to it so she goes on from there and let’s get down to what I really want to get into talk about um here we go while Lake Lawn Resort has earned some Fame from its Mound collection an earlier period in mound building history however there are two bird Effigies Sky spirits and three Turtle Effigies water Spirits some of which span over 100 ft these Effigy Mounds suggest that later generations of mound builders came back to this important site while lak long Resort has earned some Fame for its Mound

00:07:51 collection it has gathered even more attention for the supposed discovery of giant skeletons Within These mountains in March 19 the Philips brothers who owned the resort at that time dug into several Mounds that and allegedly discovered human skeletons ranging from 10 to 12 feet tall their skulls according to local Legend were equally um enormous the Philip brothers did not mention these unusual skeletons in their official report to the Wisconsin archaeological Society I’m going to go over this in a second but let me finish

00:08:22 this here’s the part which references me but not by name nevertheless the rumor discovery made it all the way to the New York Times since then researchers have offered as much as a $500 reward to anyone who can provide photographic evidence of the Dig no photographs have ever surfaced conspiracy theorists think that they have been hidden away by the government and others believe the entire story to be a hoax I spent like I said several days um in Madison Wisconsin in the archives I found the original

00:08:53 letters of course not the original but these were copies of the letters so I and they were all in micro fish so I would I would look at them I would print them out and I had these they got burned up in the fire as far as I know I’m still looking for copies of them um so when they talk about dug into several of the Mounds and allegedly discovered human skeletons there’s a correspondence between the Philips brothers and the head archaeologist in Madison and the Philips brothers are going look these

00:09:24 aren’t human whatever they are they’re ginormous so are the Philips Brothers lying and as far as the new New York Times the Philips Brothers when I read the letters this back and forth between the head archaeologists uh at Madison and the Philips Brothers they’re going like we didn’t ask these guys to come out here we don’t want this type of notoriety but you need to come out and look at these the head archaeologist then we respond well it sounds just like you know this is a disarticulated uh bone pile of bones Philips Brothers

00:09:53 wrote back no they’re in a sealed tomb the skeletons are seated upright with their knees drawn to their chest and they’re huge moreover they have what I believe would be elongated skulls so it’s just whether whether that is there or not I know I wrote about this um I thought I had the pictures of it I went on my my phone I went uh I went into my into my photos it’s not there there’s just nothing there which is really I’m kind of bummed by that I don’t know what happened to it I know I remember printing them out I remember reading

00:10:30 them in in an earlier report um years ago before the fire so it’s fire happened in 2018 that’s like five years ago coming up right and um it’s the fifth sixth anniversary actually this year November November 9th so pretty unbelievable when you think about it but I believe that the Phillips were telling the truth what are they to gain by this back and forth with the archaeologist and there’s one of them actually Drew of what these skeletons looked like like by hand that picture was in the Madison

00:11:02 archives is it still there I don’t know a good friend of mine is trying to cuz he lives very close to the to the archives and he’s going to go and see if he can find it that’s it folks um we have eight films out in the hit trail of an Nephilim series plus this incredible book go to lamarzulli.net for coming on YouTube but the there’s eight films there’s actually 30 Films that that we’ve produced and you need to do a deep dive streaming. lamarzulli.net streaming. lamarzulli.net you can rent all three of these now for $4.99 so what

00:11:46 is the truth there are two films in here so it’s $4.99 plus another $4.99 there it is folks and I just want to take a moment and thank our good friend Chuck Sakowski for helping us with in the debris field because chuck chuck is really responsible for our connection with Frank kimer both Frank and Chuck appear in this film and of course Chuck was instrumental in our cattle mutilation film and I just want to personally thank him for that so here it is folks do your homework $4.99 and you can check it out and thanks so much for

00:12:16 watching remember there is a hidden history that’s been deliberately opusc from the peoples of the world and that’s why I am on the trail of a Nephilim what happens if a mile wide craft shows up of Washington who’s behind it well at some level the government the military and the intelligence Community it is a threat and it’s going to soon become a global threat and it’s going to require a Global Response the UFO phenomenon has become the great offputting we’re going to get disclosure accidentally an

00:12:50 interesting time to be alive we live in a time where literally the government told us these UFOs are real we don’t know what they are the question then is who are they in contact with are they truly extraterrestrial has mankind been visited by inhuman entities what are your closing thoughts in regard to disclosure floodgates are open and all vets are off right now they’re definitely conditioning the masses for some kind of revealing of technology for being visited by extraterrestrials if you look at the

00:13:20 late night talk hosts when they’re talking to all the presidents and they always bring up the question you know are you going to tell us anything if you look at their faces they we know something folks the phenomenon is not going away we go up they show up we go up they come down to warn of what we believe is the coming great deception [Music]


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