The Vileness of the Breeding Program w/ Karin Wilkinson


The video discusses the UFO phenomenon, alien breeding programs, and the importance of viewing these events through a Biblical lens.


  • UFO phenomenon is real and not going away 🛸
  • Discussion on alien breeding programs and abductions 🛸
  • Importance of analyzing these events through a Biblical perspective 📖
  • Warning against dangerous New Age beliefs and misinformation 🚫
  • Testimonies of individuals experiencing abductions and hybrid beings 👽
  • Connection between UFOs, genetic experiments, and biblical prophecies 🧬
  • Need for truth, protection, and awareness in the face of these phenomena 🔒

Key Insights

  • The video highlights the growing interest and discussions around UFOs and alien encounters, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of these phenomena. The mention of a breeding program and genetic experiments sheds light on the potential darker aspects of these encounters. The use of Biblical references to analyze these events adds a unique perspective, urging viewers to consider the spiritual implications of such encounters. 🛸
  • The testimonies shared by individuals who have experienced abductions and encounters with hybrid beings provide a personal and emotional insight into the reality of these phenomena. The emotional impact and trauma associated with these experiences are underscored, emphasizing the need for support and understanding for those who have gone through such ordeals. The video challenges popular New Age beliefs and calls for a more discerning approach to understanding these events. 👽
  • The discussion on genetic experiments, artificial wombs, and the use of cow blood in relation to alien hybrid beings raises disturbing questions about the nature of these encounters and the potential implications for humanity. The mention of the mingling of seeds and the biblical prophecy of Genesis 3:15 adds a deeper layer of analysis to the topic, connecting these modern-day experiences to ancient texts and warnings. The video’s call for awareness, protection, and discernment in the face of these phenomena serves as a cautionary message for viewers. 🧬


00:00:01 UFOs are real burgeoning and not going away uh once again uh a very special guest today Karen Wilkerson joins us we published her book but the book is incredible and we have a special going on with this book you get the book and you get my book UFO uh update for free UFO disclosure for free so you’re going to want to check this this out um it’s it’s an it’s an important interview and I’m honored to do it and we’ll get into that but first a word from our trusted sponsor folks there seems to be bad

00:01:03 turbulence ahead the economy is a Minefield right now ready to detonate and destroy the wealth and dreams of the unprepared bank failures dollarization debt but amidst the chaos a Beacon of Hope emerges Kevin Sorbo screen Legend Hercules Christian actor and outspoken activist for the people with his economic crisis toolkit crafted in a partnership with the experts at Noble gold Sorbo is now on a mission to help everyday Americans navigate the coming nightmare the coming Financial nightmare the shock proof toolkit is your compass

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00:02:10 earned assets visit noblegold noblegold and sign up for the economic crisis toolkit hey folks thanks for sticking with us and I’m here with Karen Wilkinson Karen thanks so much for joining us today I really appreciate it no thanks for having me La it’s always an honor to be here on your show with you thank you the honor the honor is all mine um you sent me a couple of Articles this week and that’s what we’ll we’ll talk about this and you know what was the fir just just tell us what the first

00:02:40 article was and and why you uh felt led to send it to me yeah the first one was an article that was outlining a report that came out of Harvard University a group of scientists out of Harvard and one of them was actually out of um out of uh another University in Montana and they the report is called a crypto terrestrial hypothesis a case for scientific openness to a concealed Earthly explanation for unidentified anomalous phenomenon and in lman terms they’re saying yeah that we think they’re um the

00:03:21 aliens that everyone’s talking about are possibly living underground um and it’s kind of a philosophy meets theology paper and it’s really just they say it’s not based on fact it’s not based on if they found anything but they want to start this conversation and I thought that was really interesting because it was reported on a Fox News Channel brought to my attention By Dana Louise on Facebook and the the fact that they’re bringing these things back to the mainstream media again and saying hey we

00:03:50 should really start talking about this we don’t have any proof but we think it’s important and here’s why and then they went on for 48 pages and very small print to explain all of the reasons why they think we should start having these conversations so why are they doing this now why are they having these conversations now you know what’s what’s so different now when before it was the stuff of of just High strangeness and oh we’re not going to talk about that now suddenly it’s involved in National

00:04:18 Security and science so um that and the other article was oh I’ve got that title here I’ll have to look at it it was um UFOs soar from taboo to presidential the time has come to inject uaps into the elections so yeah once again trying to bring it back into mainstream media trying to get people to say if you want to elect so and so president ask them to disclose information and I just think it’s so interesting because for years we couldn’t even talk about these things taboo yeah it so taboo someone like me

00:04:52 to come forward and say hey I’ve been taken against my will kidnapped abducted raped against my will and people look you like you’re crazy go home and now all of a sudden they’re talking about in the howood halls of Congress and on Fox News and CNN and wherever else they’re putting these things I just think it’s interesting that it’s bubbling to the surface yet again and and this is if if I may this is why your book is so absolutely important folks if you’ve not read this book what are you waiting for

00:05:21 I we have a special so you get you get stolen ceval Harvest plus as a bonus you get my book UFO disclosure for for what is it 1995 whatever it is 1999 I mean what are you waiting for do your homework Karen you know this is what’s if if if we had if we had talked about your book let’s say go back 30 years now there were people talking about this Whitley streber was talking about it and others but I mean your book is so timely because you bring to the table uh this whole experience through a Christian

00:05:54 lens and that’s what’s important speak to that please right thank you yeah when I I wrote the book what seemed to be missing to me out there was no one was writing this from a Biblical lens no one was writing this Through The Eyes of what do we know what do we have in ancient texts ancient Scrolls ancient literature the Bible and others that explains who and what these things are and makes those connections that brings it into our world so to speak so that it helps us to understand why they operate

00:06:25 the way they do and what they’re after and by creating an environment where you can look at it from a Biblical lens you can understand well the Bible already talks about all these things about how the angels and what they were created for and who and what they are and then how they operate and maneuver between Realms between our realm and their Heavenly Realms where they reside and when you look at it from that point of view and from the just the mountains of evidence in our Biblical literature it

00:06:55 all starts to make sense and it helps to expand people’s Paradigm to allow the fact that these entities are out there and that they’re deceptive in what they’re doing it allows that to kind of start to fit into the Paradigm it doesn’t bother me it’s not Troublesome but what what is I’m I’m kind of groping for because it is bothersome and it is troublesome on some level the fact that we really don’t hear from the the Christian Viewpoint we hear from Alvi lobe Harvard University you know the scientists are

00:07:24 going to tell us exactly what’s going on well if it’s supernatural if it’s spiritual then this is our wheelhouse this is why you know we published your book this is why we have 10 films on the whole UFO phenomenon and you are if dare I say you’re the star of number four on abductions and I’m I’m going to throw a scripture out to the folks you know Daniel 2: 43 basically States this that their seed will mingle with the seed of men but they will not cleave to them the word cleave I got this from Jim

00:07:55 Williamson is the same word that we get in the Genesis narrative when a man leaves his father or mother and Cleaves to his wife there’s no marriage contract and that’s exactly we see the mingling of the seed this is why Genesis 3:15 is Paramount in our understanding of the rest of the biblical narrative but the angel was talking to Daniel thousands of years ago and he and he gives us what I would call a supernatural clue men will run to and fr over the face of the Earth knowledge will increase that’s it’s

00:08:22 Flatline that doesn’t happen until the modern era we’re here the abduction phenomena as we know it as we know it today started in my opinion right around 1940 now I’m not saying the mingling of the seed happened before that abductions have been going on but I believe the breeding program really kicked off in in in the 40s specifically Israel becomes a nation the atam bomb happens because you and this is sort of a long intro and I I’ll get to the to the question but the hybrid beings seem to be there’s an

00:08:58 evolution you get the first one on that you see in the 80s where they’re very sickly looking they’re they look more alien huge eyes blond hair that type of thing then it changes into the short stocky ones the the blackeyed kids and then finally it changes into where they can pass as human beings and that and this is in the 20 21st century this is where we are so you were taken you were abducted you were kidnapped you were abused and this is why you’re story is so critical cuz it helds back to the

00:09:33 Daniel 243 the mingling of the seed and this is the question there is a physicality to this this is not demonic delusion this is right in scripture speak to that please oh yes definitely this is not demonic delusion we’re people just like myself who I talk to and communicate with via social media and email and at conferences every day people just like me we go through these physical abductions we have the physical scars and the emotional scars to prove it it is not just demonic delusion too many of

00:10:13 us have the same types of encounters for this to be something that’s just some random thing that we’re coming up with out of the blue and these aren’t things that you can just come up with the details the things we remember the things we’ve experienced they’re too elaborate it they’re too intense the emotions are too real what we see is too tangible and and then you look at what’s out there in in our society as far as UFOs and euphology and all of that there’s another conference I think now another one called something like full

00:10:48 disclosure now or something and all of these conferences are all very new age-based and I’m not disparaging anyone’s belief systems but what I’m saying is no one is taking this and looking at it from a Biblical perspective and from the perspective of how do you protect yourself looking at who and what they really are and the dangers that these things possess instead they’re opening it up and saying let’s go welcome them in and bring them and that’s with all due respect to Stephen Greer um and he’s welcome to

00:11:15 come on the show and defend himself and we’re not going to disparage him here but in our opinion and I know you agree with me on this he’s he’s leading people down a very dangerous path by telling them to open themselves up this is all benevolent well you’re story and this is why the book folks the book is really really important do your homework for crying out loud do your homework I realize times are tough that’s why we’re doing a deal with this but you know Karen lived it and she is the the star

00:11:44 or the tple of our Abduction film and um this is why it’s important because your testimony goes completely 180 degrees from what Steven Greer is telling us speak to that please yes thank you yeah it’s it scares me to see what is being fed to the population through these very popularized groups of people who are putting other people in danger by not giving them the truth I don’t see people like you and me who are people who like yourself are experts in this field people like me who have actually had

00:12:20 these encounters and actually worked through how to stop them and I don’t see people like us on those stages talking to the people sharing our very valid information because it doesn’t go along with what they’re trying to to share and what they’re doing is so dangerous I mean it’s not from a Biblical lens they’re not letting people know once you open the door to these entities they’re attached to you and you warn about this on your show over and over again about objects and entities that people get

00:12:50 attached to or that attach to people I warn people in every interview that I do you’re bringing this to your family your friends your children a door yeah I mean would you throw your child out in the backyard if you saw a couple rattlesnakes out there no well this is no different it’s dangerous and if you don’t have the right tools to protect yourself you’re not just putting yourself in danger you put everyone you know in danger and the Bible tells us men will perish for lack of knowledge it’s our

00:13:19 responsibility to have that knowledge and to share that knowledge with whoever will listen and unfortunately most people don’t want to hear it and I I concur with you completely it’s um it’s I the last the last UFO conference that I spoke to that was a secular conference was in Utah and I have to tell you something I was shunned by several of the other speakers uh pushed off oh he’s got a religious background and and I mean one guy won’t mention his name sat across the aisle from me on on the return flight home

00:13:56 because he was also based out in California wouldn’t even say good morning I mean completely shunned me and this is what I’ve seen that you know they people on the other side of the aisle you know claim to be so open-minded except when it comes to someone like you and someone like me who’s saying not so fast citizen this phenomena has a very dark underbelly now I’m going to speak to something and this is emotional for you um it’s alarming to me and I believe where the Gil Zimmerman my business partner and and and he’s the co-director

00:14:32 we do all of our films together now um and by the way today is uh June 19th where’re this is a pre-record with Karen this is the day five years ago uh my ex- business partner Richard Shaw passed away very unexpectedly on the operating table so it’s um you know in some ways it’s a tribute to Rick Rick and I did 11 films together and uh then there was a period of time where we kind of went our separate ways and we were coming back to maybe work it together again and then he passed away and then after that Gil

00:15:04 Zimmerman shoots me an email and the rest is history I think Gil and I have done six films together and we’re on the trail and we’re doing more so it’s great the way the Lord picks things up but isn’t it interesting Karen that and you talk about this in in number four in the Abduction film and your body language your facial expressions says it all I mean I remember interviewing you and I didn’t know you that you know you came up and we we had emailed and this is in Dallas years ago and we had two cameras

00:15:35 going my my son-in-law John Adam Hicks is there and he’s filming and I’m when you left the room I just went oh my gosh I can’t even I couldn’t believe the testimony you talk about being impregnated by them and these are not our space Brothers three different times and they took the I’m not going to call it a baby I’m I’m going to call it a hybrid cuz that’s what it is speak to that please yes it was you know that was a very very traumatic those were very traumatic events in my life um to become pregnant

00:16:12 as a woman you know when you’re pregnant your body feels different it’s so it affects every part of you physically and emotionally and at 3 months in and I was married at the time so it wasn’t unusual for me to get pregnant I went to a doctor my pregnancy was confirmed with blood tests and all the things they did back then I knew I was pregnant my body was different and then at 3 months in I started a spot and I I didn’t nothing happened at home I didn’t lose anything but you know I went to the hospital that

00:16:44 night because I had terrible pain and they couldn’t find a heartbeat and they couldn’t find a baby on the ultrasound so they did what’s a DNC which is a procedure where they go in and they clean your uterus out to make sure that nothing’s left behind that you don’t get an infection or anything in there and also to find out what happened to your baby right and my uterus was clean there was no fetal tissue it was clean and this happened to me multiple times that I didn’t have a baby to mourn I didn’t have a baby to bury I didn’t know

00:17:16 what happened did I do something wrong did they do something you know what happened to me and then knowing having then later had in interaction with these non-human entities where I got to see and hold one of my nonhuman hybrid babies knowing what they were doing to me having to go to a doctor having to go through this pain you can’t tell the doctor this they don’t want to hear that it would not fit into anything what they would do is send me upstairs to a psych exactly and that’s and that see this is so

00:17:48 problematic because I mean I’ve known about this and studied it and read about it and talked to other people like yourself I mean I remember talking to Karina Sables and that’s in our book further evidence that that sit down interview with Karina and you know she she basically says on the record that she thought this was all normal she thought everyone went through this every kid went through this you know and she’s being taken and abducted and they’re taking the child in the whole deal um and it goes right back in into the

00:18:16 Daniel 2:43 their seed will mingle with the seed of men this is why if we don’t understand Genesis 3:15 where Jesus says to a serpent to the dragon your Offspring your seed will be at war with the seed of the woman I mean that’s the whole it’s everything and now in modernity this thing is kicked off and you know it be interesting to try to do a study on the abduction and and H hybridization when did it really kick in because you know when did it really kick in and in my opinion it I think you can

00:18:48 make a case that it kicks in in in the late 40s right right after Israel becomes a nation that’s where everything just explodes and ramps up I’m gonna throw something at you here in our our sixth film which is on cattle mutilations which was the darkest film I have ever worked on and for those of you who don’t know what this is um it’s it’s a very it’s a very dark underbelly of the UFO phenomena and and I’m gonna go down a rabid Trail Karen rescue me if I don’t come back out okay please but what people don’t

00:19:23 understand that this has been going on for decades with the cattle mutilations and blood is taken uh sex organs are CED out eyes are CED out genetic material is CED out and it’s been going on literally for decades and no one no one has ever brought law enforcement has never bought anyone to Justice not even a charge and in our film you know we we interviewed people Rancher Miller who lost 16 head of cow in um 20 years I mean that’s almost one a year almost right and very very disturbing film not for the faint

00:19:56 of heart but we came up with something when I say we I I believe the Holy Spirit Led me in this and I don’t think any other researcher has ever put this forward now I could be wrong in that and I’ve stated this I’ve stated that statement publicly several times your your baby your your your hybrid entity which is what I prefer to call it was taken a mingling of the seed no marriage contract in the third month Bine blood cow blood can be used in human transfusions the genetic material in my opinion is to create an artificial

00:20:34 womb for the hybrid entity which is taken from your womb it goes from your womb into the artificial womb speak to that and I realize this is this is the Deep before you give the answer folks this is the deep end of the pool I mean it really is this is the deep end of the pool and a lot of people in the New Age won’t even go there this is how dark and nefarious this thing is Karen speak to that please absolutely yeah you know we know cattle mutilations are happening like you said and we know that they have not found

00:21:05 anyone to be accountable and the ways that these are happening are very very unusual and when it comes to artificial WBS we also know that we can create artificial wombs so it is not something that is outside of feasibility so in order to utilize a substance to nurture these fetuses when they’re stolen from a woman’s body stolen right it’s they’re going to be able to use they’re going to need a medium to continue to nourish and grow that fetus and just the way we feed our children cow’s milk Bine milk bovine

00:21:45 blood can be used in operations for humans as well and I believe that’s what they are using I saw tanks in these facilities where they took me these underground tanks and these tanks had what looked like some sort of embryonic fetuses in them I don’t know what they were were they human were they they were definitely not human but they were hybrids but hybrids of what and the liquid looked red now that area was very dark red backlighting in that area I could never tell where lights were coming from it was always just but but

00:22:17 it looked red could that have been Vine blood yeah absolutely but that’s speculation on my part but do I think it’s possible oh very much so very much so they were fascinated with anything that had to do with blood that had to do with sex that had to do with you know us as humans and how you know they had me hold that baby right because they wanted to see if it would respond to me and it wouldn’t and for me that was like just holding it was like holding a brick of clay it just wouldn’t respond and I knew something was wrong

00:22:47 with it but you know I looked at that baby and I’m like I know I can see resemblance I know this is part this is mine and I was going to take it home I was determined I was taking that baby with me and I was going to fix it I didn’t have the knowledge you know no one was teaching what you teach people no one was saying look these are hyers these are modern day Nephilim we there’s nothing you can do I didn’t know that as a mom I was just going to take it home and I was devastated when I got I got

00:23:15 very belligerent with them and was not letting go and then the next thing I woke up and I’m back at home and I’m in my bed and I don’t have that baby and I’m just hysterical and now who do I tell who do I call and say hey they won’t let me have that baby I mean there’s no one to even talk to you know and it’s those kinds of things where they’re toying with our emotions right oh it there it’s not okay it’s not okay and if people think this is just a joke or a lie talk to a couple people you would be hard pressed to throw a stone

00:23:51 and not find a couple people who’ve been through this this is why this is why again I’m pushing the film number four we probably should do um you know stolen seed evil Harvest and then then have number four with it because I think that would in some ways that’s a better offer because it gets into Al Matthew’s testimony Emil jurich’s testimony and Angela beckman’s testimony all of them were taken I mean we’re not making this stuff up there’s a physicality to it sperm is taken from the men ovam is taken from the women I

00:24:21 mean this is a breeding program and it goes back to Genesis 3:15 there is a physicality to it there’s a very dark under belly to the whole phenomena Karen thanks so much for coming on I’m going to give you the last word then I’ll close this out thank you you know I had a conversation with Al Matthews just last night and he and I the one thing that just really gets to us and hurts our hearts is that there are all these people out there talking about this and doing all these things but they’ve never

00:24:47 experienced this they’ve never gone through this and then they’re negating all the things that we know are true right and I’m just so grateful that you are helping us to get the truth out about who and what these things are and what we need to do to protect ourselves because there is a world of so-called experts out there who have no idea what they’re talking about and are spreading lies and falsehoods and it just makes me so upset and so angry that that they’re doing this and that they’re getting this

00:25:18 massive amounts of attention I’m not doing this for money or fame or attention I’m trying to help and I’m trying to share the truth and I’m trying to share the message and thank you for allowing me a platform to do that it means so much thank you Karen thank you um folks here it is you know stolen C evil Harvest uh we’re going to team up with with Karen uh on this and you can get my book UFO disclosure absolutely for free so you’re really getting two books for the price of one um it’s it’s there it is so perfect so um that was

00:25:50 unscripted by the way folks but way to go Karen um I always have it handy this is a great book y’all should have this it’s a great reference material love this book and I always have it on my desk you know what it’s it’s it’s folks it’s time to do your homework it’s time to do your homework it really is because this the whole UFO phenomena is real burgeoning and not going away and we have Karen and and and myself we we have the material that you need to present to your loved ones to your friends to the

00:26:21 the Skeptics whatever everything from a Biblical prophetic narrative it’s right here check it out the special is up Karen thanks so much for coming on the record as always it’s an honor to um just to talk with you and we’re going to have to have you back and and the next time we’re going to do that special with number four because I think the two would really go really go well together great well thank you it’s always an honor to be here with you la take care God bless what happens if a mile wide craft

00:26:54 shows up of Washington who’s behind it well at some level the government the military and the intelligence Community it is a threat and it’s going to soon become a global threat and it’s going to require a Global Response the UFO phenomenon has become the great offputting we’re going to get disclosure accidentally an interesting time to be alive we live in a time where literally the government told us these UFOs are real we don’t know what they are the question then is who are they in contact with are they truly

00:27:26 extraterrestrial has mankind been visited by inhuman entities what are your closing thoughts in regard to disclosure floodgates are open and all bets are off right now they’re definitely conditioning the masses for some kind of revealing of technology for being visited by extraterrestrials if you look at the late night talk hosts when they’re talking to all the presidents and they always bring up the question you know are you going to tell us anything if you look at their faces they know something

00:27:56 folks the phenomenon is not going away we go up they show up we go up they come down to warn of what we believe is the coming great deception [Music]


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