SPECIAL REPORT: All Things Supernatural w/ Mondo Gonzales (Pt. 2)

The video discusses various supernatural phenomena, including Nephilim, UFOs, and spiritual battles, as well as the potential implications for the future.


  • The discussion covers topics such as abductions, hybrid beings, back engineering of UFOs, and biblical perspectives on supernatural occurrences. 🛸
  • The conversation delves into the significance of current government disclosures about UFOs and the potential impact on global beliefs. 🌌
  • There is a call for the church to address these supernatural topics and prepare for potential future events in light of biblical teachings. ⛪
  • The speaker reflects on personal dreams and visions related to spiritual warfare and the role of believers in the future. 🕊️
  • The importance of staying vigilant, doing research, and preparing for potential paradigm shifts in society is emphasized. 🔍

Key Insights

  • The video highlights the urgency for the church to engage with supernatural topics and prepare believers for potential future events, urging pastors and individuals to seek biblical perspectives on these phenomena. 📚
  • By discussing personal experiences, dreams, and visions related to spiritual warfare and future events, the speaker underscores the need for believers to remain spiritually alert and grounded in their faith. 💭
  • The mention of government disclosures and ongoing research into UFO phenomena prompts considerations of how these developments may impact global beliefs, suggesting a need for critical analysis and preparation for potential societal changes. 🛸
  • Through the exploration of biblical teachings on supernatural occurrences and spiritual battles, viewers are encouraged to deepen their understanding of these topics and consider the broader implications for their faith and worldview. ⚔️
  • The video’s emphasis on personal reflection, engagement with biblical teachings, and readiness for potential paradigm shifts underscores the importance of remaining spiritually vigilant and informed in the face of supernatural phenomena and changing societal beliefs. 🌟


00:00:00 the Genesis 6 narrative states that the Nephilim are on the earth in those days and also afterwards if that’s true can we find evidence that corroborates this I’m LA Marzulli join me as we go on the trail of a Nephilim [Music] coming to you from an undisclosed location somewhere deep in the heart of the Santa Monica Mountains I am your Intrepid host la maruli welcome to a very special edition uh this will be part two in this interview I did in 2020 at the prophecy Watchers conference in Colorado and I’ll show you part two but

00:01:10 first here’s a word from our trusted sponsor folks there seems to be bad turbulence ahead the economy is a Minefield right now ready to detonate and destroy the wealth and dreams of the unprepared bank failures dollarization debt but amidst the chaos a Beacon of Hope emerges Kevin Sorbo screen Legend Hercules Christian actor and outspoken activist for the people with his economic crisis toolkit crafted in a partnership with the experts at Noble gold Sorbo is now on a mission to help everyday Americans navigate the coming

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00:02:17 arm yourself with the tools and tactics you need to protect your hard earned assets visit Noble gold investments.com noblegold investments.com and sign up for the economic crisis toolkit Mondo and I uh have been uh a lot of different places Israel uh to name uh just the first place and then of course our trips down to Peru and also here in the Americas I think you’ll find this interesting I’ll weigh in on the end of it as always and here’s part two there was a woman that we interviewed in in in

00:02:47 Dallas a couple of weeks ago and I’ve interviewed a lot of people this was visceral absolutely gut-wrenching visceral this woman has been abducted from a very very very young age like four or five missing time whole nine yards three pregnancies which ended in miscarriages but there was no DNC there was no cleaning or anything like that they couldn’t find any evidence of of the child and nothing so three times this happened to her and then she got born again and spirit filled she stopped the abduction stopped all that stuff and

00:03:25 she had two children by her second husband so one day one night she’s laying in bed and she’s awakened husband’s switched off because that’s what they do so he’s completely Switched Off sound asleep and she looks over there are three boys there are three men and she knows exactly who they are they’re her children except they’re not human they look more alien than they do human so they can’t pass the the the blackeyed children are not children Satan is trying to create man in his own image is what he’s trying to do he’s trying to

00:04:04 create a hybrid a hubrid and they’re walking the Earth like I said if you want to see him and I might make a mess up go to go to go to Walmart St out Walmart at 2 o’clock in the morning and then start looking for uh an entity a man or a woman with a Handler they always come in pars they will always have a Handler with them because the Handler is teach the Handler has been a lifelong abduct te stockhold syndrome and sometimes they’re actually taking their Offspring with them and showing them the ropes um you know this is a

00:04:34 pencil this is how this works this is a box of Cracker Jacks you eat this because there’s no they have no they’ve never been integrated that’s where they go to Walmart and at 2 in the morning you know look who’s there in Walmart nobody cares so you know let’s stop here for a moment and uh you have somebody just happened to wander in the wrong room and they’re what in the world are these is this a cult okay well I mean in one sense so let’s take what we have from these these PhD researchers you know again very very well respected and

00:05:09 this is their data and then we say okay well what do we do with it well if we compare it with scripture which we believe scripture is the inspired word of God I mean there it is it has Authority um it gives us insights if we go back again looking at Genesis 6 very early on we understand again Genesis 6 you know we we’ve written on it others have too this idea of hybrid so we have the logical uh Authority for it so we have that I know it’s kind of strange but then you come back and we look at the data we look at the facts and now we

00:05:39 have these PhD scientists and now even recently the government’s comeing out and saying hey this has been our experience and this is just one report it was 1500 pages a lot of it was redacted but you get one that they didn’t offer they had to do it from a foer request but how much do we not know and they’re saying these same things and so you kind of go you know I don’t think I’m in Crazy Land anymore yeah you know truly so because we have scripture to to help verify some of these things and often times I think we can be a little

00:06:08 shy I mean this isn’t something on Sunday morning I’m preaching you know from the the pulpit but you know when we get into the other classes hey have you ever as you go out and you experience and you in your research you you’ve seen this where it’s a lot more common and this is what’s being uncovered uh so I I think for us we seek to provide a biblical response for all things I mean the Bible doesn’t give us every Last Detail but we should have a framework so here’s a question what is your take on

00:06:37 this in the 1950s through 7s most UFO sightings were flying saucers since 1980 they have been mostly triangles what’s your thoughts there’s a couple things the idea of the back engineering of The Craft and the triangles the boomerang shape what flew over um Phoenix um Phoenix the Phoenix Lights was a huge triangle or actually more of a gowing type thing um it blotted out the Stars whatever this thing was it it took a long time it was moving very very so thousands of people saw it five Simington stood up and and

00:07:13 did this whole Goofy thing with one of his guys and dressed him up as an alien we think we found out the perpetrators and later on at the 10th year anniversary of the Phoenix light he was on Larry King live he apologized to his former constituents for doing that he was probably put up to that because that’s the way the hold phenomena was always was always couch oh tinfoil hat oh you’re weird you need psychiatric care blah blah blah blah blah well it’s all changed now right it’s completely all changed there is back engineering U

00:07:42 of The Craft there’s no doubt about that Bob bzar in the 90s talked about that Lazar has never never changed the story Lazar was a scientist whatever was recruited to work at Area 51 he worked there and he went he went R he said this information needs to go out he teamed up with George knap he would he’d be dead by now because that’s that’s what happened in the 90s ‘ 80s and 90s you got too close you come down with cancer you have an accident you know you’re never found again your body’s buried in

00:08:10 the desert whatever all that’s changed and in our new film UFO number two the expert Witnesses I talk about this and say something happened the old guard that put the kabash on everything in Roswell because that’s what they did and Roswell they just said well we can’t we can’t run with this and the whole disinformation thing by the way next weekend I’ll be in in Vernal with this UFO conference Jay Allen heck’s son’s going to be there he he’s the keynote so this will be really interesting and I’ll

00:08:38 bring my cameras and hopefully I get to interview interview him and and pick his brain a little bit but be very interesting but there there Lazar talks about the back engineering of The Craft and they had this element that was there in the propulsion system it’s it’s an anti-gravity wave is what this thing is so it pulls the craft like this so there’s no propulsion as we know it so that’s why space and time ceases to exist they can make right angle turns because you’re just you’re bending space

00:09:08 and time that’s way be my gravitational field I mean this is this is physics straight physics um there’s back engineering it’s been going on for decades so I think that the um the Triangular craft may be ours the Triangular craft in particular maybe ours D but then the classic dis shape and like the Tic Tac a object Tic Tac shaped object that Commander David fraver saw that was not ours that was not ours of the Russians of the choms no doubt about it that was not something that was back injurers that’s the real

00:09:40 deal especially when they travel underwater in a blink of an eye they’re gone right angle turn stuff like that we don’t have we don’t have that yet so again we we step back and we say well what what do we know and I appreciated you sharing that last night where these you think okay all right we’re watching looking at lights in the sky are these just lights in the sky whatever but what the Pentagon has admitted over the past few years and you you gave the the reports was that these are physical things now you start

00:10:09 thinking about that and they say Hey you know again as you mentioned these are Element 115 and others Bob Lazar talks about that where these are not from here we don’t we don’t know how to bring these together in these Alloys so when you think about these physical things where’ they come from where were they mind you know these are these are physical objects when technology yeah when you look at uh you know um fravor when he’s looking at these his his radar is picking up a physical object and you

00:10:34 know and it’s going and then it how does something just go into the water and come out so there it’s fascinating so I think we need to move beyond that these are just what what what’s of in the case these are just demons you go well what does that really mean because demons in the Bible are non-physical right they’re they’re looking for a body and so it’s it’s way beyond that we can just throw this demon label on it we have physical things and now do we have all the answers no we don’t we don’t have all the

00:11:03 answers but we we keep we keep probing and we keep getting you know when was the last time anybody sat down with a gray and had a conversation with it you know and said hey where do you come from I believe that the Grays are are um basically avatars they for the demons to inhabit they’re they’re they’re biological shells which the enemy has created see part of part of our problem as Christians and I’m actually writing a book on this the technology of the Bible we have this truncated view of the

00:11:32 biblical narrative so let’s just walk through a couple of things when in Genesis there’s two cherubim guarding guarding the guarding the garden of of Eden right and between them is a flaming sword which goes every which way is that technology yes or no of course it is it’s technology that we don’t understand but it’s some kind of technology is there a supernatural element to it more than likely there is but there’s also technology when the two angels go in in ezekiel’s time and they go into Jerusalem they’re given Slaughter

00:12:07 weapons one of a Slaughter weap well you’re moving too fast here I like to ask some questions okay let’s go back to Genesis where flaming sword the Flaming sword so most of us we might sit around and go well um what is it doing it’s preventing it’s it’s physically preventing right Adam and Eve you can’t get by it you can’t get by it so there’s some sort of physical component that’s happening but we just say oh must be a spiritual sword well what does that mean does that mean it’s non physical but yet

00:12:36 how is it having some sort of physical being controlled by something or someone so we have to be careful that we just don’t throw these labels that are kind of uh ethereal what is what is the spiritual mean because it it is having some sort of physical effect on two physical beings preventing them so when we when we go to the other side and we the example that I think of is in Revelation 12 you have Michael and his angels what fighting against Satan as his angels do we is that a spiritual battle well even if see again what does

00:13:05 that mean what does spiritual battle mean or is it a literal real battle or is it figurative I think it’s real you have real battle going on well what does that look like in this realm or this Dimension that we don’t our eyes can’t see because our eyes are limited to 400 to 750 nanometers right so anything outside of that we we just don’t see it’s real are radio waves real yes are they physical yes they’re physical but because we don’t see them we say oh that’s some other dimension so we start thinking about this so going back to the

00:13:40 technology what you’re what I hear you saying is that this is some sort of real technology of some kind Weaponry again Michael and them fighting are they hand toand combat we don’t really know I had this some uh two things when this is in the book that I’m working on with the technology when Joshua sees the pre-incarnate Christ cuz that’s you know the ho take off your sandals it’s not an angel in my opinion and I think you agree I agree so take off your sandals and this guy’s got a sword that’s techn where do the sword come

00:14:11 from you know in The Book of Enoch it talks about the Fallen Angels giving knowledge and they show mankind how to create these weapons so I had this dream a really weird dream it’s the millenum and I’m on my white horse cuz I get one yes it can I tell you one thing before that how much time do we have so I got one more thing yeah do it let’s hear it do it so I I’m I’m my father has just passed away I’m laying in my childhood bedroom and the Holy Spirit begins to speak to me and he goes remember that Vision you had when

00:14:51 you were a brand new Christian of being taken up I said yeah yeah was yeah really cool can I have another dead silence and then he goes have you ever wondered what happens to the to the White Horse I just just just love the Holy Spirit right no no humor in the Bible and I go I don’t know I don’t know what happens to the White Horse I’m thinking it was know I don’t know maybe they were all collected and put in a pan knife I don’t know he goes well that that horse is a gift from the father to you and I’m sitting there going typical

00:15:25 La flesh I’m going oh great horse poop I get to clean up the horse poop you know this is this is really not what I want I I’m not a kid anymore I don’t want a pony it’s like horse going to take you I feed the horse of that’s that’s where I go immediately Mr flesh Mr flesh right so Holy Spirit pauses and he goes well that gift is that horse is a gift from the father to you and then he says and that horse Can Fly And I jump out of bed and I go can I see him can I just look at him can I see him can I can I can I

00:16:05 and from that I extrapolated the White Horse police force because when we come down with him that’s what it is we come down with him the armies of Heaven on white horses Revelation 19 they got to be careful because I’ll lose it dressed and fine linen sorry white and clean what’s our job do we need horack riding no Automatic download so we land and and and a lot of people are going like on their TV sets who knows right we Lam with them and they’re going what’s this who is this guy and we’re all on white horses the armies of Heaven

00:16:49 he goes Marzulli but that’s not my name it’ll be the white white stone name go here I get on my horse and I go to wherever destination and we rule the cities this future of that prophecy We Rule the cities we preach the gospel because they have never heard it they don’t know what it is we preach the gospel we hear heal the sick we rais The Dead We Do Greater Works than he did when he was here we’re in our glorified bodies he wasn’t in his glorified body when he walked the Earth and did all that stuff we’re in glorified bodies on

00:17:19 white horses I call it the White Horse police force do you think for a moment that a crack house is going to exist in that do you think that human trafficking is going to exist to that no way he rules them with a rod of iron that’s what he does and that we’re part of that police force now that’s I get it that might be a little wacky but that’s I truly believe that with all my heart langu we’ll be doing it says the armies so we have that that La so the last dream yeah this is about two or three months ago really strange I’m on the

00:17:51 White Horse and it and it’s parked we’re in this really weird place it’s black it’s dark the the ground has been blackened it’s parched steam is coming out sulfur it’s weird it’s just like nothing grows there it’s horrible and I don’t know even though why I’m there but I’m there for some reason my horse is like a good distance away because he can’t come where I’m walking and out of the ground from maybe here to that pillar with right behind the cameraman right about that maybe a little bit further out of the ground

00:18:24 Comes This entity comes this creature who looks sort of like gollem sort of like that smeo Lord of the Rings and he’s coming out of this this crevice out of the ground and I look at him and I instantly recognize who it is and I go I know who you are and I am thrown back I am hit this is the battle I am thrown back with something some force that hits me boom in the stomach and I’m cast back 20 30 feet like like what we see in the movies exactly like that and I look at him one last time and I run to my horse

00:18:57 I get on my this is a dream I get my horse and I fly to Jerusalem and I get off and I go see The King and I go he’s out and my Lord just looks at me and goes I know that’s the end of the dream why me thank you Jesus talk about um when we when we see all this stuff that’s going on and and again it’s pretty it’s pretty out there let’s be honest um how does that tie into the the the out there if you want to use that phrase of the delusion that’s coming after the church is gone um you know all with all power lies

00:19:39 signs and wonders I mean the the the tribulation is a is a period of very much Supernatural how does all day long yeah so how does this deception again it’s it’s a real these are real things that are happening how does it contribute to the delusion well you know we’ve been Banning this around for for for decades you know when you look at second Thessalonians and and and the uh the apostasia um and thanks thanks Lee for that incredible book I can’t wait I I’ve read part I’ve read you know mol letm

00:20:08 his copy I read it but I now I have my own so I can highlight things so thank you for that but the question is how much of this do we see do we go up and they show up is that a phrase I pointed a number of years ago do we go up in the Rapture and then the strong delusion happens then the Armada of UFOs appear which would cause millions of people all across the world to abandon their we had this 2hour discussion last night after everybody went to sleep about all this we just don’t know but we do know this

00:20:36 that whenever it happens when when they show up with a mile wide craft or a several mile wide craft or whatever it is Everything Changes the entire planet will just go 180 degrees everything every Life as we know it will never be the same again it’ll change the question is do are we here for that you know or how much of it yeah we don’t know what we’re going to see but we’re it’s leading up we’re in the ninth rung of its disclosure ladder we are in places that I never thought we would see so that’s why I’m I’m kind of pulling back

00:21:07 the rigns and going you know we need to be watch and be ready last night what did I say when we see all these things to happen look up I think we’re in a window of time I know you and I you know you think we got a few more years I’m I’m thinking June 3D we go up but you know June 3D that’s I’m I’m joking I’m just joking well there’s there’s internet rumors is going around June 3rd to 5th is the rapture I’m like amen but I’m not promoting it yeah but we’re not but you know it’s like I all I know is I’m looking up when I see these

00:21:39 things and everything is firing on all these cylinders I never thought we’d see the things that we’re seeing but it’s here the fact that our government comes out with with a foyer request and says that oh yeah women are being taken on board and they’re being impregnated that’s my wheelhouse what we’re seeing I mean the the Pentagon their Nine Pages which you mentioned last night you know came June 25th of 2021 and I think about uh like exactly a year ago all the things just in this last year that the Pentagon has come to to share

00:22:07 so what is it going to be in a year from now all these other things which again they coincide with all the data as well as the scripture it’ll be interesting to see how all these things unfold and shape beginning to shape the the thinking of people the conditioning of people well the church needs to wake up I mean I’m part of a church you’re part of a church we love the church but the church really needs to wake up and start talking about this stuff and because if we’re here and let me put it this way it’s already

00:22:35 being rolled out and and many P some pastors are talking about it bu for them you know just like some archaeologists are looking at our work and what we’ve done are going you know wow maybe I need to take a second look so not I I’m recanting not all archaeologists are going some of them you know are really good and they’re looking at the evidence and they’re wondering what’s going on here but the church needs to address this because it is super natural you know I’ve talked about this before your

00:23:01 kids and your grandkids watch Ancient Aliens they’re already they’re already on board you saw Ryan Peterson’s incredible presentation talking about all the books all the games all the videos all the movies about Nephilim Nephilim Nephilim Nephilim it’s everywhere I mean 20 years ago it wasn’t there when I wrote when I wrote you know the first book 30 years go back 30 years you know to Nephilim Trilogy none of that stuff existed now it’s all here and it’s in your face and your kids and your grandkids are looking at it and they’re

00:23:29 getting sucked in now is the time for the church to stand up and begin to preach on it and teach on it and understand that what we’re looking at is is Satan comes with all signs and lying wonders the dragon look he’s been working on this thing for for Millennia so so we’re getting close but here’s your assignment and I would love that you can email me your results is uh go to your pastor I love Pastor as a pastor so I’m not saying to pick on him okay yeah so um but say hey I want to get your thought a Biblical theological

00:24:00 response to what was happening in Congress last week right cuz I mean that’s an easy that’s a fair question hey Congress was discussing the nature of the Pentagon report and they have all these these these departments now that are communicating with other about sightings and other and say hey what is the biblical theological response that I should have for people that ask me as a pastor it’s his job to train and equip right so that’s a very reasonable question and I would love to hear what they say I hope they would be like you

00:24:30 know let me let me get back to you on that yeah go back and ask your pastor exactly that that’s good and it’s easy Congress you heard about what Congress is doing right hopefully they did if not send them a link again this is we don’t this isn’t back room crazy tinf hats anymore it’s awesome that God has allowed this to come forth with all of the public disclosure tucko hey did you watch tucko Carlson’s thing last week it was I read an article just they were this article was describing what Congress was doing and the title The

00:24:58 subtitle was time to get out your tinfoil hat I was like is this even journalism it’s not so final thought they always spin it you know the tongue and cheek thing and and it’s just like you know guys it’s that’s not going to work anymore you know Congress is discussing it hello Yeah final thoughts final thoughts final thoughts yeah we out of time out of time W it’s just been great the whole whole thing has really been great here and um you know you know what it just I I’m not a date Setter but what I talked about

00:25:32 last night I mean we are in a window of time in my opinion that’s absolutely unprecedented Co was something which was UN the globe we’ve never seen anything like that globally and now The Who and now there the monkey pox right they’ll just you know just make something up whatever like a rerun it is it’s it’s unbelievable so we’re in un uncharted waters unprecedented times and and the Lord says when you see these things look up you know I mean and I’m looking up I mean my hands on the plow I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing

00:26:06 but I’m also going like today maybe today what do you think I want my white horse I can’t wait for that glorified body White Horse police force serving the king you know I mean can you even imagine that that’s and that’s where we’re going that’s what’s going to happen you know it’s just that’s future but that’s where we’re going the Bible is real the Bible is true when the king comes all this nonsense ends at least for a thousand years yeah amen so want pray for amen I love to Father we love you we just love you Lord we thank you

00:26:39 for your word we thank you for Jesus we thank you for the indwelling of your Holy Spirit we raise a Hallelujah to you we raise a Hallelujah to you we raise a Hallelujah to you and we love you Lord we love you watch over us as we travel protect protect us bless your people here Lord give them a boldness give them a boldness Lord bless them touch their hearts if anyone is fearful Lord I pray against that fear in the name of Jesus and instead replace it with Faith Lord father we long to see your return of

00:27:18 your son we all want it and yet Lord we know that our hands are on the plow and we’ll continue to work for the kingdom we love you and we thank you for this time together in Jesus’s name amen am amen thanks so much for watching folks um I will be at the prophecy Watchers conference in Colorado at the end of the month hope to see you there I’ll be speaking two times once on onit trail of an Nephilim and of course the rungs on the ladder of disclosure something is coming things are heating up go to

00:27:47 lamar.com lamar.com or streaming. lamarzulli.net there are now 10 films in our ongoing UFO series 10 of them I only have three op here and of course what is the truth is the last film 9 and 10 and I think you’ll find them interesting you can download them for $4.99 I’d encourage you to do that folks it’s time to do your homework it’s time to do your homework we do five shows sometimes seven shows a week right here in the studio and we count on you to um do your homework rent the films buy the books there are 13 and a half books

00:28:25 number 14 is coming out soon and there are 30 Films what do you w waiting for do your homework thanks so much for watching I will be at the prophecy Watchers conference coming at the end of the month I’ll be speaking twice on Saturday hope to see you there thanks so much for watching officials ending to obain offing Marcel’s own words it was something that he’d never seen before something from another world in our opinion Marcel was a py just Perle directions we know what found his father was telling the truth he dead in the eye

00:28:57 and he said it really happened and he held his hand up just like this if they had six fingers not five they looked quite a bit like us do you think your grandfather was aaty 100% cover up by the US military do you believe our government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials I can’t discuss in public setting do we have the bodies of the pilots of biologics came with some of these recoveries he deliver the offis and they lied to the American people when the Pentagon decided to lie about what happened at Roswell because

00:29:34 standing six ft away with Ling about three and a half or she said the nurses who you who were there during the crash they’re now at a Convent the first book that Randle wrote and he said to Jess he said that’s not fiction but for everybody I mean this is a human thing it’s a a worldwide changing be a lifechanging for every was certainly not a weather balloon and not something from this Earth


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