SPECIAL REPORT: All Things Supernatural w/ Mondo Gonzales (Pt. 1)


Exploration of the Nephilim, hybrids, and supernatural encounters, including personal and witness testimonies, revealing deep spiritual warfare and the need for discernment.


  • 🛸 Nephilim presence and potential hybrids on Earth, sparking curiosity and investigations in supernatural realms.
  • 🕊️ Spiritual warfare and prophetic messages intertwined with supernatural encounters, leading to a deeper understanding of biblical narratives.
  • 📚 Use of the Bible as a guidebook for the supernatural, bridging the gap for non-believers to understand spiritual concepts in a relatable manner.
  • 🤯 Testimonies of encounters with hybrids, shape-shifting entities, and UFO brain fog, highlighting the hidden realities existing alongside our everyday world.
  • 📈 Growing interest and evidence in alien abductions, government cover-ups, and scientific studies on extraterrestrial encounters, questioning the true nature of reality.
  • 🎬 Advocacy for streaming resources, conferences, and educational materials to delve deeper into the mysteries of the supernatural and prepare for spiritual battles.
  • 🌌 Exploration of Roswell, government conspiracies, and the search for truth in contact with intelligent extraterrestrials, challenging mainstream narratives and revealing hidden agendas.

Key Insights

  • 🧬 The exploration of Nephilim, hybrids, and supernatural entities unveils a complex spiritual warfare beyond the physical realm, emphasizing the importance of discernment and biblical knowledge in navigating these hidden realities.
  • 📖 The Bible serves as a guidebook for understanding the supernatural, offering insights into the prophetic, spiritual warfare, and the battle between good and evil, providing a foundation for interpreting modern-day encounters with hybrids and UFO phenomena.
  • 🛸 Testimonies of personal encounters with hybrids, shape-shifting entities, and UFO brain fog highlight the existence of soulless entities and the blurred boundaries between reality and the supernatural, urging individuals to stay vigilant and seek spiritual protection.
  • 📚 The intersection of scientific studies, government cover-ups, and personal narratives on alien abductions reveals a growing interest in extraterrestrial encounters, challenging mainstream narratives and prompting deeper investigations into the true nature of reality and our place within the cosmos.
  • 🎥 Advocacy for streaming resources, conferences, and educational materials on supernatural topics offers opportunities for individuals to delve deeper into the mysteries of the unseen world, preparing them for spiritual battles and equipping them with knowledge to navigate the complexities of the supernatural realm.


00:00:00 the Genesis 6 narrative states that the Nephilim are on the earth in those days and also afterwards if that’s true can we find evidence that corroborates this I’m LA Marzulli join me as we go on the trail of a Nephilim [Music] coming to you from an undisclosed location somewhere deep in the heart of the Santa Monica Mountains I am your Intrepid host la Zuli special presentation here um I hope this wets your appetite for live streaming at the prophecy watches conference because I’m going to show you a very intimate um

00:01:10 interview I did with Mondo Gonzalez he interviewed me in 2020 at the prophecy Watchers conference in Colorado and I’ll show you part one and then tomorrow we’ll do part two but first a word from our trusted sponsor heart disease blood clots strokes and kidney failure this all can be found on the back of a ibuprofen bottle and to top it all off ibuprofen doesn’t even get to the main cause of your pain and swelling problems it’s only temporary pain relief and it’s only masking the true problem which is

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00:03:01 for being a part of Mark’s audience or click on the link below this video so here’s part one of the sit down interview I did with Mondo Gonzalez so appreciate you guys coming to this last session at least for us and uh we do have some questions that have come in and if I run out I’ll uh open it up to the crowd lucky me yeah lucky you so um you know honestly the one of the first questions I would like to ask La is um there we go you know when we think about some of the what I would say like two years ago a lot of these topics are very

00:03:37 taboo uh the last couple years that has changed a lot because a lot of facts have come out and the government’s come out and admitted a lot of things but um when we think about the importance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ um that’s of course so important why spend any time at all being on the trail with the Nephilim um aliens transhumanism UFO why in the world should any Christian spend their time on those kind of Fringe topics well there they certainly big Echo here thanks for coming guys appreciate it

00:04:11 y they um you know Salvation is is the shallow end of the pool what I mean by that is you know Salvation is is so important the easy stuff that’s and that’s when Paul tells us you know we’ve already we’ve already talked about salvation we’ve already done that now we’re going to move to the deeper thing of the spirit so again our mission statement is to expose the deception of the prince of the power of the air and to heral The Return of the King Jesus so we do both we expose but we’re always pointing to that you

00:04:45 know we’re going to go up at some point and not only that he’s coming back on the White Horse I was there when I first became a Christian I’ve told this story before but I’ll say it again real quickly and and father I pray that I would not not get emotional when I tell it we’ll never get out of here I was there for three seconds when I was 40 42 years ago I became a born again Christian I was dragged out of the occult dragged out of a new age I had Spirit guides Carlos castona type experiences I mean I was immersed in it

00:05:17 immersed I lived it with the guru three years third eye open I mean the whole every as far as you could go pretty much you know except traveling to India and staying there I went I went deep and then at at when I was 24 I left it all I just went this is all bogus I’m the same schmuck I’ve always been and when I was 30 I I came of a lord it was exactly the opposite of what I thought it would be you know some people go I was joy and peace no I was being dragged out of the kingdom of darkness so I was in

00:05:49 spiritual warfare and didn’t know how to deal with it but during that time the Lord took me in the body or out of the body I was out of the body it was not a vision I was there so I was there for 3 seconds and I find myself on the back of a white horse I never read the book of Revelation I had no idea where I was or what was going on I’m holding on to the horse’s Mains horse’s man that second one so I’m like this second one second two that was interesting second two the rider on the White Horse is way over there and the

00:06:33 armies of Heaven are not linear they’re stacked up like floors of a building floor one floor two floor five floor eight and it’s in a horseshoe shape M keeps going off don’t know what’s going on and it’s in a horseshoe shape like this so it’s not linear it’s in a horseshoe shape the armies of Heaven are stacked up and I don’t know how high they go so second one the main second two there’s the right on the White Horse second three I I realized I’m on the right flank up about eight rows back from from

00:07:08 the front and the guys in front are really big and then I’m back and I had no idea where I was what I had just seen and then my pastor goes I tell him like in counseling a couple of days later I had this you know yeah not sure what happened and he goes he’s looking at me like have you ever read Revelation 19 so I believe that um that that that sort of set up what what we do because what we what we talk about is the Nephilim we talk about the kingdom of darkness but we expose the kingdom of darkness and then we Herald

00:07:46 The Return of the King and having been there for three seconds it’s real I mean he is coming back on that wi I had a dream a couple of weeks ago I’m too many rabbit Trails I’m sorry I’m just listening I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that was and I kept going you know Lord can we go back to that dream you know but I’m I’m on this beach it’s I’m the middle of nowhere just this beautiful white sand beach and the first thing I noticed is Jesus is making a fire he’s like sitting in front of a fire and he’s kind of stoking it there’s

00:08:18 no eye contact he’s like he’s doing something he’s preparing a meal something like that and I look to my left and there’s the White Horse about 50 yards away no and the horse I I was on no no saddle no Bridal people ask me were there women there I can’t tell you that some of it some of it is just blocked you just you know you’re there and it’s like not for here but you’re shown something but you don’t you can’t carry all of what you see back so there you go yeah so that’s why we do it and I Ellen and I have

00:08:51 talked a lot about we’ve done some programs that are going to be coming you know forthcoming but just the the nature of studying the supernatural it’s it’s interesting to me to me you know as a pastor where many brothers and sisters you know they believe in the resurrection you know they believe in angels right I mean of course it’s in the Bible I mean for the most part you have people that when you read about uh you know Gabriel showing up to Mary like do you believe that yeah I believe that but then it’s like the supernatural was

00:09:20 for back then yeah not now not now and so many times when we come to address some of these issues you know our goal is to maintain that the supernatural has been there all along and so we shouldn’t why would we expect again in America we think about the sanitized version of of spiritual warfare where if you go to some of these other countries these thural countries they understand spiritual warfare they understand demonic stuff and but Satan has chosen for for whatever reason for the most part to keep us blind to the other side

00:09:50 but when we approach scripture we realize yes so we look at scripture you know in the worldview and we look out we go okay well what would we expect to see and we again you see as a missionary but I think as well let’s go back CU why why talk about these things um I know for you and others and maybe some of you how many of you have come to know the Lord through some of these topics right and God uses them uh they’re they’re and they’re kind of fun I mean honestly it’s but we get introduced to some of these

00:10:19 weird things and then you come to know the gospel and that’s ultimately what the the the reason why is because it’s not just doing it for the sake of doing this but it is to point back to the gospel one one more thing I’m on Coast to Coast two or three times a year and it’s for those of you who don’t know it’s a very secular show and George is sort of a chameleon he’s the host who whoever’s on that’s what kind of Paradigm he adapts which is fantastic because it’s a platform where there is no ridicule everybody gets their say so

00:10:49 it’s it’s and he allows me to talk about Jesus and the whole deal so um every time I’m on there sometimes especially in the earlier days I we refer to the Bible as the guide book of a Supernatural cuz that’s what it is because I’m I’m speaking to people that if I say Bible to it’s like click there’s got to be an station quick but if I say guide book it was Supernatural it’s like all of a sudden their ears perk up and sure enough every time I say that the next day we’ll get a a flurry of emails dear L Al I went on amazon.com

00:11:23 and I and I tried to find guide book of a supernatural but it’s not there where do where do I find it and then I go well and and it gives me an opening to witness to him see the the church you know we we try to we have to speak to people in a way that they can understand so if we’re speaking to a new age person someone that’s come out of that whole oh thank you yes test test one test two Old Man River so if we if we speak in a language that they can understand if we because the Bible is a guide book of a

00:12:02 supernatural it teaches us how to it teaches us about the Heavenly oh thank you FR y sorry we’re going to get rid of this one thank you just so if we if we speak in a language that they can understand and we understand that the Bible as a guy book of a supernatural teaches us what spiritual warfare is teaches us what the battle is teaches us the Heavenly the protocols of this heavenly War where it’s going the prophetic message I mean we’re just is utterly Supernatural I mean prophecy is completely Supernatural I remember

00:12:33 sitting down with an atheist he goes well just show me one thing that’s Supernatural about the Bible that kind of an attitude and say well are you aware that Israel the regathering of the nation of Israel has been prophesied for thousands of years and it happened and here we are and I showed him the passage and he just he was D he didn’t know what to say well maybe somebody invented that oh yeah so let me see we have the Holocaust and on the ashes of the Holocaust we have which was the birth fans of Israel the Holocaust I wrote

00:12:59 about C the chess match the Holocaust happens because Hitler’s a type of an antichrist in my opinion and the dragon anoints him because he knows something’s up he knows that a lot of rains beginning to happen in Israel which hadn’t happened in almost 2,000 years there’s a trickle of Jews coming back the whole Zionism thing is starting to happen he raises up his Antichrist man and his his goal is to wipe out every Jew on the planet because if you can do that Israel is not a nation will never happen God’s a liar follow me I win

00:13:30 that’s what a sake and I truly believe every single person who died in the Holocaust is maybe they’re the souls under underneath the altar I don’t know but I think they’re with him yeah I mean when you look at uh it’s interesting if you ask the question um what is required for for Jesus to come back and there’s a a very specific phrase in Matthew 23 37-39 where Jesus is he’s kind of his last comment to the leadership and he says you know I’ve desired to gather you together as a chick you know Jesus’s

00:14:00 heart is for his his brothers but he says you will not see me again until what until you say blessed is he who comes in and I love until words because I Circle those those are great time factors and so what I say is if we could just get naftali Bennett to welcome Jesus back and invite him back you know today Jesus would come back but the the point of the tribulation it’s to grind Israel down God’s like we’re going to have a talk you guys killed my son and we’re going to have a talk and he’s your

00:14:29 savior he’s the savior of the world and so the purpose of the tribulation and you see what in Revelation 12 on the second half or the Antichrist seeks to demolish the Jews but God’s going to protect them and he’s they’re going to come down and we know that again two-thirds of the Jews are going to perish Zechariah 13 you see have all these passages but they’re going to come to the point where they recognize and they’re going to mourn right Zechariah 1210 the one whom they pierced and they’re going to go yes

00:14:55 Jesus come rescue us from this guy coming to to genocide so if if Satan can get rid of every last Jew then that passage can never happen and so you see this theology behind it so here’s a a great question is Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk a Nephilim on the record LA Marzulli what do you have to say yeah so so here’s the deal I had a call from a Anonymous person I can’t go public with the story but I can say this this isn’t public here this isn’t public this isn’t public that this individual had an encounter with a human

00:15:39 being and we’ve heard this before and it shape shifted right in front of this person and became reptilian looking now if I heard it once that’s one thing but I’ve heard it over and over and over and over and over again Dr Jacob’s book they are walking amongst us they are walking amongst us um I’ve never encountered one I have no desire to people go la do you want to go see one no hold on a minute we got like major technical difficulties here what’s happening now the microphone your other mic’s going out yeah this is

00:16:11 my mic’s fine we we we’ve experienced this before we know what’s going on there we go Dr Jacob’s book that’s River again here we go such a ham ridiculous so so you know circling back to that Gary steerman talked about about that maybe they’re the 10 Kings think about it maybe the idea of Zuckerberg and guys of his ilk um world yeah I mean this whole they control so much it’s ridiculous we’ve never seen that type of wealth and control in all of human history and now it’s here they are walking amongst us

00:16:46 and this will sound funny but it’s true Dr David Jacobs if you want to see something go to Walmart at 2:00 in the morning I know it’s funny but what happens is the handle the handlers take the hybrids in the Walmart and show them how to integrate show them how what money is lines are pens pencils things that walk up and down the aisles I had a woman that called me was it Walmart she’s about 5’4 so what do you do with stories like this right and she’s in Walmart and this very tall 12- foot woman walks down the aisle 12 foot woman

00:17:29 and looking very feminine wasn’t a guy on stilts and drag okay it was it was it definitely female all day long sort of attractive but 12 feet tall when she walked by her head came up to the woman’s waist now what do you do with that and I said well there other people see her and she goes yeah we all just stood there that’s called UFO brain fog when you when we’re around something like that like I talked about this this morning when I went into that long Barrow uh in England I I all of a sudden I could feel

00:18:05 it and I just I just went I know what this is I’ve had it before I’m out of here I stopped the interview the cameraman wasn’t getting anything Hugh Newman wasn’t getting anything but I was getting hit and I just I just I got to get out of here it took about I five five minutes four five minutes whatever for my head to clear when we’re around these kind of entities it’s like you don’t think rationally and so here are all these people watching a 12 foot woman was the last time you saw that at Walmart walk down the aisle and no one

00:18:35 does anything no one says excuse me that’s that’s UFO brain f are you talk about U Dr Jacob’s book as well as mat John ma because you you have I guess I’ll rephrase it is that we’re coming into the age of I mean I’m a science guy I like facts I like evidence I like peer-reviewed stuff I mean that’s just the way so but what we’re seeing is some of these secular uh PhD scientists from Harvard and other places that they’re hearing these stories and and they’re researchers and so they they have come

00:19:05 to research this stuff and they document it and they put it out there because the if we think about the alien abduction phenomenon which again we’ll talk about that just recently as you guys might have heard in the foer request the Pentagon put out um just actually in March uh they put this request out and and somebody had request on magazine took 5 years it comes out and right there they’re documenting the FBI the the Pentagon at least they’re documenting that oh well here’s some of the things you mentioned a little bit

00:19:33 last night but um unaccounted for pregnancies but then also uh abductions as well as a whole bunch of other things so here we are I’m thinking okay this is the official Pentagon report of their their documented this and John Mack Spin and others but Jacobs wrote this book and he has he he coined a new phrase these aren’t Christians by any means let’s let’s not and they they’re very respected but he come up he came up and he coined this word hubrid h talk about that he says that there are hubrid human

00:20:05 alien hybrids walking amongst us that’s the title of his book um I’ve interviewed him several times um and we had a it’s in our Watchers series if you’re interested in that um those one-on-one interviews with Jacobs they’re incredible but this hails Back to the Sea of the woman and the seed of a Dragon seed of a dragon will be emity with the seed of the woman he the one coming from the woman the Messiah will crush dragon’s head that happened on Calvary so we know that that that’s in the past then we get to Daniel when I

00:20:33 talked about this last night there see mble to see the man but they should not cleave to them which is where we are now so the dragon is constantly changing tactics especially after Calvary I mean that was it that was Checkmate it’s over but the protocols of the war um apparently still go on at at because he’s not he hasn’t come back yet so even though the kingdom is his and he’s got the keys he hasn’t claimed it yet I think it just went dead again bizarre it’s really getting weary guys third mik so um yeah

00:21:06 so um this hails this hails back to Genesis 3:15 in in the Book of Daniel it’s really strange father in Jesus’s name we just come before you and we take authority over whatever is happening here in Jesus’s name and we ask Lord that you would stop the interference if it’s technical then we battery whatever but something else where be pray that you would stop your power and do it soon in Jesus amen so you know Genesis 3:15 is H we got another one over here here’s the Baton hand off thank you this is the

00:21:43 fourth m one two three this is crazy so where was I Genesis 315 The Book of Daniel so what we see is that he’s created I remember asking Chuck mistler this years ago I said Chu what do you think about the hybrid program without missing a beat without you know even thinking about it pondering about it he goes oh Satan’s got number two to when he’s building an army just like that he just rolled it right out sends out number two to one he’s building an army it’s like whoa Chuck so he believes in these hybrids we have had in in our

00:22:18 free film on YouTube Al Matthews who became a centerpiece of the film okay Al had this this encounter with a a hubrid a hybrid an entity mhm part human so he’s riding up on the elevator with this woman never met this woman before in his life she leans over and she says Whispers In Your Ear they’re listening Al and Al immediately creeped out because it’s just the two of them in afraid elevator and he goes who’s listening and she goes you know the grav I know that you’ve been taken many times when we were supposed to meet on the

00:22:51 ship and he’s like totally creeped out by this she’s wearing these dark glasses almost like swimmer goggles that conceal her eyes so in the film as I’m interviewing Al uh so I gave her my number that’s what Al says and I go mistake number one and she calls him up two weeks later and he goes over to her place she’s having uh get together with a girlfriend they’re drinking wine out of these huge goblets they’re out on a deck it’s a beautiful summer night and he’s sitting like across from her and he goes and he see

00:23:27 notices this deerfly a huge fly on the edge of her goblet and he goes let me get that for you and she goes no I’ll get it and she reaches out with her hand like this she doesn’t grasp the fly the fly sticks to her finger and she brings it up like this and goes like that she eats the fly so now we’re in high strangeness time right and then she takes off the glasses and she goes over and she sits on Al’s lap we’re all adults here she said sits on Al’s lap and I so I stop him right there I stop the him go Al Al Al you got a

00:24:04 girlfriend up a time is this normal behavior no one’s ever asked him that question before and you see him he goes he’s like shocked because you know he realizes wait a minute why did I even allow this and she lifts up his shirt and she starts rubbing his chest and going my you’re well preserved and she leans forward to kiss him and Al pushes her off when he pushes her off the eyes shape shift the I shape shift and she lets out the most evil laugh you’ve ever heard in your life Al fleas terrified

00:24:35 from the scene she was a Hubert and he goes to Gordy Tong’s house they call me up on the phone we pray with th we counsel him we gave him resources two weeks later he gives his life to the Lord wow so that’s in some ways how it happens that woman could pass you wouldn’t know you wouldn’t know and we’ve heard you know they they keep trickling and we keep stories like this there is a reading program it is happening and it’s these are soulless entities thanks so much for watching folks um here they are you know Roswell

00:25:09 one Roswell 2 obviously uh my one of my favorites what is the truth look this thing’s heating up UFOs a real buring not going away do yourself a favor go to our streaming site streaming. lamarzulli.net streaming. lamarzulli.net you can download all the films for $4.9 99 except for the ones where there’s two okay like like 9 and 10 it’s now $9.99 or whatever it is but I think you get my point um there are 13 books I I was on the the phone this morning discussing a very interesting deal for number 14 we

00:25:45 might be going with a very large publisher more about that in the coming weeks I will be speaking twice at the prophecy Watchers conference you’re going to want to check that out through live streaming or get your ticket and I hope to see you there thanks so much for watching folks really appreciate it go to the website lamar.com lamar.com um and I just appreciate your patronage God bless you officials endeavoring to obain offing Marcel’s own words it was something that he’d never seen before something from another world in our

00:26:18 opinion Marcel was a py just Perle directions we know what have found his father was telling the truth he dead in the eye and he said it really happened and he held his hand up just like this if they had six fingers not five this they looked quite a bit like us do you think your grandfather was aaty 100% cover up by the US military do you believe our government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials I can’t discuss in public setting do we have the bodies of the pilots a biologics came with some of these

00:26:54 recoveries he deliber offis and they lied to the American people when the Pentagon decided to lie about what happened at Roswell because standing 6 F feet away this little be about three and a half or t she said the nurses who you who were there during the crash they’re now at a Convent the first book that Rand wrote and he said to Jess he said that’s not fiction but for everybody I mean it’s just a human thing it’s a a worldwide changing be a life-changing for was certainly not a weather balloon

00:27:31 and not something from this Earth


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