L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Schedule…

Coming to you from an undisclosed location somewhere deep in the heart of the Santa Monica Mountains—in a 28-foot trailer—I’m your intrepid host L. A. Marzulli…

Hey folks the first BIG conference of the year is in Dallas! Hear the Watchmen. Hope to see you there.

March 5-8: Hear the Watchmen – Dallas!



2020 Speaking!

January 25-26: Alien Snowfest  https://aliensnowfest.com

March 5-8: Hear the Watchmen – Dallas!


March 28: Nephilim Mounds Conference! Russ Dizdar, Chief Joseph Riverwind & L. A. Marzulli

Seating is limited so get your tickets early!


April 3 – 5: Canton Ohio Conference – Details soon.
June 19 – 20: Prophecy Watchers!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZhV9vMKa1w&w=560&h=315]

June 26 – 28: San Antonio  www.battlereadyconference.org
July 10-12: True Legends!!!
August: Alaska Cruise!

Contact L. A. Marzulli: To book me at your conference or church please email me: la@lamarzulli.net



Is there a  hidden history that has been deliberately obfuscated from the peoples of the world? We think so and that’s why we’re on the TRAIL!

 We will be doing our first pre-sale with the series!

You’ll be able to purchase the DVD in advance.

Go to www.lamarzulli.net

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