Ad For Super Bowl on FOX DENIED!

Fox won’t run pro-life Super Bowl ad, but approves ad featuring drag queens

‘We were one of the very first people to submit anything to them. We met every single stipulation’

Commentary and Outrage


L. A. Marzulli

Welcome to the crazy new world of political correctness where drag queens rate and pro-life ads are a no-go! Unfortunately, this is where we are as a culture…but wait! Who decides this? What about the millions of us who are pro-life? What about the recent march in Washington that was historic as President Trump showed up! The first president ever to do so.
Time to push back. Time to stand up. Time to protest. Time to rail against the looney left.



On the Trail of the Nephilim Ep 4: American Stonehenge The Canaanite Connection

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Acceleration Radio! Live Tonight! Russ Dizdar!!!!

There is a hidden history that has been deliberately obfuscated from the public! L.A. Marzulli







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