Aliens Exist!

Aliens exist and could already be on earth, first British astronaut says
“There are so many billions of stars out there in the universe that there must be all sorts of different forms of life,” she added.
A Few Remarks 
L. A. Marzulli
Not so fast citizen!
I understand where she’s coming from. However, what if the universe is holographic? What if what we see will be “rolled up like a scroll?” What about when Jesus creates a new heaven and new earth?
So here’s the deal, Sparky! No one knows what this is and where we are in it. If the Universe is analogous to the USA, is planet earth in Deluth, Walla Walla, Berwyn Pennsylvania, Frost Bite Falls? (LOL)
You see no one knows! In the meantime, well-meaning people like Dr. Sharman are helping introduce the public to DISCLOSURE of the so-called alien presence.
This is the coming great deception and when they finally show up everything changes…instantly!

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