The Propganda-Meisters Are at it Again! How Dare YOU!

Greta Thunberg Named TIME’s 2019 Person of the Year

“This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here,” she said in her remarks. “I should be back in school, on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!”
Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
First, let me start by saying that as Christians we should be at the cutting edge of caring for God’s creation. End of story. We should protect the land, the oceans and the air we breathe. We should be good stewards of this planet.
That being said… I find it incredibly offensive that TIME magazine would choose The How-Dare-YOU-girl to be the person of the year. I would posit that there are other people who are more deserving of this award than she. However, I think the agenda is plain to see. There are others like Alexandra Ocasio Cortez who basically promote the same agenda, no airplanes, everyone stops eating meat, no fossil fuels, no cars!
America would collapse in a week. Maybe that’s what these socialists are after…the demise of America, so they can usher in the globalist agenda. Thank you, George Soros.
I think climate change is greatly overstated and it is part of the Globalist deception. Why didn’t the How-Dare-YOU-girl go to China or India and lecture them? Duh? These countries are far more egregious in the pollution of our planet.
Here is a site that states the exact opposite of what the MSM is telling us about climate change.  Fake news anyone?


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