In each case, the objects in the videos undertook aerial maneuvers that aren’t possible with current aviation technology. In the 2004 incident, according to The New York Times, the objects “appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.”
Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
Just another day of the ongoing UFO Disclosure. The double-speak in this article is hilarious. …aerial maneuvers that aren’t possible…but we’re not saying these craft are flying saucers! LOL!
In other words, the Pentagon says the aerial objects in the videos are simply unidentified, and for now, unexplained. The Navy is pointedly not saying the objects are flying saucers or otherwise controlled by aliens.
Don’t be fooled for a minute. This is part of the coming Great Deception which is being rolled out in a controlled fashion by the Deep State. It’s a managed agenda!
Please know and understand that something big is in the works and I mean BIG! At some point, full disclosure of the so-called UFO phenomenon is going to occur and when it does it will be the ultimate paradigm shift. Remember I’ve been banging this drum for decades now and only a few years ago was wearing my tin-foil hat proudly! Don’t be deceived. Get armed! Get WOKE!
I’ll be speaking about