UFO Update. US Marine says cigar-shaped UFO sightings spreading worldwide and ‘not military’

US Marine says cigar-shaped UFO sightings spreading worldwide and ‘not military’

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

Snake-like objects seen all over the world? What are we to make of it. I’ll tell you succinctly. UFOs are real, burgeoning and not going away!
Most churches won’t discuss this and so they are way behind what is being promulgated every Friday night on ancient aliens. 
However, steve Quayle and the Gen6 team are pushing back and that’s why this upcoming conference on September 13 to -15 is vitally important.
Gary Stearman will be speaking there and I think he may share information that he’s kept private until now. For those of you who don’t know Gary appeared in our watchers series and gave his testimony regarding a UFO encounter that changed his life forever
I’m looking forward to speaking and will present almost two hours of material from my new book as well as the film In Their Own words
Live streaming is available! The enemy is ramping up for the coming great deception. 

Go here for Live Streaming!

“Sign up for True Legends 2019 Live Streaming and immediately see True Legends 2018 as an added bonus!”
— In other words folks automatically get the entire TL 2018 Conference -FREE- as Video on Demand, AS SOON AS they sign up for LS 2019 — and they also have 60 days AFTER the event to keep watching it!
OF COURSE mention that you’ll be speaking there signing books! : )

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