L. A. Appears TONIGHT on Coast to Coast!


Is anyone out there an astronomer? I’m investigating something and I need a professional opinion. Here’s my email address: la@lamarzulli.net

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Thanks L A for episode 3. The message is powerful. To emphasize the presence of spiritual entities attached to these ancient sites, for me, is as important as finding skeletal proof of their (Nephilim) existence. The re-manifestation of these Nephilim spirits, I believe, is and will be in forms other than giants for the most part. There seems to be a hierarchy of these spirit beings and the higher ranking of them get first priority for physicality. They are the ufo/alien forms we are seeing and experiencing in metaphysical manifestations that seem to be undertaking a program to reintroduce all fallen spirits back into the physical world, i.e., hybridization, A.I. and the like.  The rank and file spirits we call demons are the lowest order in the hierarchy and many remain connected to the portal sites around the world awaiting their time of manifestation. The shamanic cults and New Age are hapless dupes, unknowingly aligning themselves with the Satanic agenda to possess the earth in opposition to the coming Messiah. The deception will be ubiquitous and include all of these elements of the dark realm. The human race is rapidly aligning itself with the enemies of God and the Church, and when the spiritual realm breaks full upon the physical the deception will be so beautifully enthralling and powerful only the Elect will be able to resist the allurement of the thing. Your work is vitally important and I pray the Lord will continue to give you wisdom and direction, as well as protection. Blessings to you, Peggy, and your family. Your friend in “cows and corn country”,
Pastor Mike Berner.


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