Acceleration Radio! 7-1-19

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Secrets of the Supernatural

Voices from the Other Side!

L A Marzulli lays out the root of the supernatural evil in a wonderfully anointed presentation. So many just deal with the fruit of evil but L. A. goes to the very root of all evil—the Fallen Ones. The Nephilim are the originators of all evil exhibited against the living God and His Followers and demonstrates in real-time the POWER in the name of Jesus.

When L. A. rebuked the evil powers in Jesus name, the word HOLY appeared on the Ovilus machine, demonstrating that the name of Jesus is the most powerful name in the universe when appropriated by FAITH! Tremendous job L. A. as your team of experts are some of the most powerful and anointed men of God I know! This is a mandatory watch in my opinion.

Steve Quayle


“The first time I watched this film, I had chills for the full hour – so much so, I had to put another layered shirt on to watch it… and it’s the middle of June! L.A. is successfully unlocking the secrets of the Mysterious Moundbuilders in this ground-breaking series. No one else is bringing this type of knowledge to Believers in these End Times. God Himself even ordained how “HOLY” this film is right at the SEVEN-minute mark, unbeknownst to L.A. Don’t miss it.”  -Doug Diamond, Diamondigital Media


A real must-see informative, a well-presented world view changing film. Knowing LA for decades, hearing and seeing his ongoing research, this film, in particular, connects the dots to help everyone—especially Christians— recognize the fingerprints of the Prince of the Power of the Air all over the globe. As spiritual warfare ramps up, is it a sign that reveals a Luciferian plan to deceive and raise up a counterfeit to preempt Christ’s return?
Pastors Gary & Karen Zethraeus


VIDEO REVIEW: L.A. Marzulli Presents: On the Trail of the Nephilim – Episode #3

by Eric Wem

VIDEO REVIEW: L.A. Marzulli Presents: On the Trail of the Nephilim Episode 3:Voices from the Other Side Secrets of the Supernatural
The Spiral of Life team puts forth an engaging, colorful, and kinetic presentation that engages the audience and keeps their attention without being obnoxious. As per usual with Marzulli’s videos, regardless of length, it’s a surprise when the ending comes due to the riveting material.
I have to tip my hat with a smile when I see “music credits by Zulli” at the end of the video. ?
If I had to use one word to describe how this series of videos has evolved thus far it would be: Layering. As with any video series I would absolutely recommend watching the previous entries for the sake of total context.
Marzulli’s argument and growing body of work continues to make the case that these sorts of phenomena were not man made but were connected to the giants/Nephilim from the Bible.
The main concern and relevance for today is: Marzulli and his team strongly believe we are in the last days predicted in the Bible before the return of Jesus Christ. If that’s the case, and I myself hold to this view, then the Bible clearly predicted that evil would be allowed to wax worse and a great deception would ultimately be set up to deceive many as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10 and also in the context of passages that mention conditions before the Lord’s return being “like the days of Lot and Noah” per Luke 17:28 and Matthew 24:37 respectively.
As someone who admittedly is somewhat fatigued with this subject matter I have been pleased with these videos in terms of the content being heavy on substantive fact with speculation kept to a responsible minimum only as certain questions merited it. A wide variety of scholars and experts are interviewed as one would expect to see in any responsible documentary effort. I have learned some new things from these videos thus far which is all I think I can anyone could ask for.
I have a very difficult time imagining a person with even scant interest in the subject matter viewing these videos and not coming away with a number of serious questions that challenge the official explanations for these mounds and related phenomena.
I have followed LA Marzulli’s work for well over a decade and I continue to be impressed with his balanced presentation and thoroughness. Some of the subject matter is sensational by its very nature and frankly it may not be for everyone. There are a couple of potential controversies that are circulating due to people seeing the trailer for the video and taking in the subtitle and then seeing the ghost hunters with their Ovilus on camera. Be assured: All of this is engaged Biblically and dealt with responsibly and authoritatively.
During the closing statement, LA makes a strong, definitive Biblical statement and states in no uncertain terms the purpose of these videos: To expose the growing deception of evil around us as we get closer to the near return of Jesus Christ, our blessed hope.


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