Jesus is Returning Soon – From the Mail Bag…

I received this in my in-box this morning. At the Go Therefore Conference this weekend—Thanks to Pastor Mike for a great weekend!—many were talking about the return of the Lord and our gathering to meet Him in the Air! I offered that we are at a point where man can no longer fix what this planet has become. Think about it,1.5 BILLION abortions, endless wars, chaos, and lawlessness abounds, sexual deviance that only a few years ago would have shocked us is now the new normal. We are In the Days of Noah. I think you will find this post as inspiring and hopeful as I did. In the end, our gathering to Him is our blessed hope.  L.A.
Dear Friends and Acquaintances,
I awoke around 11pm, just a few minutes ago. I’m 87 and I’m not concerned about embarrassing my family and friends anymore. Some have long thought I’m “off my rocker.” That doesn’t bother me. I will relate a remarkable dream I just had.
What bothers me is that so many are NOT ready for what is about to happen!
Some of you believe the Bible and take it seriously. Some of you believe those parts you want to believe, like the Christmas story, for example. If you have grown up in “church”, your ability to believe might have been compromised, depending upon what you were taught. If you are what the Bible calls one of those who “dwell on earth”, I hope you will pay close attention…
Jesus Christ created everything we see and don’t see. He suffered horribly and died and was resurrected to pay a price to redeem, retrieve or buy back His fallen creation.
Briefly, this is what He wants you to know. HE IS COMING AGAIN SOON! When only He knows.
Recently, many people around the world have died and been brought back to life through prayer. Esther has witnessed two who were raised from the dead on her missions to India. A number of those who’ve been raised say that they saw Jesus and He told them to spread the Word that He is coming SOON!
I saw Him clearly as a transparent figure in a vivid dream on 3-17-76, These words were spoken, “All things must shortly be put under My feet.”
I wish I could make you all believe that and to take God’s Word, the Holy Bible, seriously. Every individual has the free will, however, to believe or reject the Word. Yet, God’s Word tells us many will ask, “Where is the promise of His coming?” Rejection leads to eternal torment. Belief leads to life everlasting in His heavenly presence.
I’m personally convinced His Return for those who trust Him, has always been imminent. Now, after years of powerful things He has allowed in my life and very clear Biblical signs, I am looking for His “catching away” of believers to be soon. In order to really see this fact, “Ye must be born again”. If you haven’t been spiritually reborn, ask Him to “deliver” you again.
This is what I just dreamed. I hope you can believe the implications:
I had a series of short dreams. I would dream, then doze again, then dream, then doze again. I don’t recall how many times but it was several. Firstly, I had friends who were all pitching in to build a new “cabin” enclosure at the top of an existing, but abandoned steel tower. It was like an old fire tower like I had climbed precariously in my foolish youth.
We were gathered on the ground discussing how those on the ground could communicate with those assembling the pieces of the “cabin”. Then, it was obvious, we could use cell phones.
Then, we assembled and prepared “floor joists” from some old lumber I had. I decided to use steel bolts rather than nails so we could boreholes for them on the ground and assemble them high on the tower. It took that series of short dreams to assemble all the materials as I recall.
So, now I’m trying to build or perhaps rebuild this “watchtower”
Esther has videos of two in India who were raised from the dead in the videos and other miracles. We are working to put the videos of wonderful things she saw there on her three trips. We would like to show them to you when we complete them. Hopefully, you could gather several folks to watch in your home. Hopefully, we will contact those of you in our area at that time.
We will need to show the videos in homes, so think about it. If you would like us to come in a month or so, please let me know. We hope to get another projector (Ours went missing.) Or, perhaps we can play a thumb drive through your TV.
As sincere as I can be, I’m

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