I’m Back from 24 Days on the Road! Shooting in Undisclosed Locations! ON THE TRAIL!

Monday Morning Musings



We’ve been on the road for 24 days shooting in undisclosed locations for our On the Trail of the Nephilim Series. We discovered some amazing things and we now have over 30 hours of rough footage.
Episode #3 Secrets of the Supernatural should be available by the end of the week! L. A. 


Monday Morning Musings!

Cradle Headboarding or a genetic mutation?


How do these people know this? Our team would love to look at the bottom of the skull to see if there are morphological differences between this skull and a “normal” human’s skull. While our team acknowledges the practice of cranial deformation we point out that not ALL OF THE SKULLS were the results of it. We are currently working on a new film about our DNA results from the Paracas Skulls. It should be out in September and will be Episode #4 of On the Trail of the Nephilim. L. A.


Intel From The Osprey: Mid-East War? Not so fast Citizen!

Iraq sent an envoy to Israel to lay the groundwork to negotiate a peace. So now it’s Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt, SA and the Emirates asking for consideration. Putin told the RGC to leave Syria. So Iran has no Russian backing.
You asked me a while back why don’t they attack Israel. Here is your answer. They don’t dare to get sucked into Iranian insanity.
Just talked to one of your Prophecy peers. Very famous. He thinks the Arabs are ready to hit Israel.
He has no concept of events. Pure speculation on his part.  He even admitted he mostly speculated.


Trump Says Ilhan Omar Should Go Back to Africa: ‘You Can’t Leave Fast Enough’
“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how……..it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!” Trump wrote.
Bully for The Donald! I couldn’t agree more. I just love the way Omar, who is an immigrant bashes our country when the country she fled from continues in a death spiral of crime, corruption, tribal warfare and the killing of Christians. How dare she lecture us… L. A.


Rapinoe – Ungrateful and SELF Arrgondizing to the core! L. A. 


Roger Waters brands Twitter ‘thought police’ for suspending Assange support account.
“Twitter, you are Big Brother, now we know it for sure, we always suspected it,” Waters said in a video posted to Twitter. “You are an arm of the thought police. You are an arm of the forces of oppression. You wish to suppress freedom of speech, journalism, freedom of anything probably.”
Big Brother IS here and unless we push back like Waters did freedom of speech will vanish. It’s already happening. If I say I’m against Mayor Pete’s “marriage” I’m a homophobe. If I’m for control of our borders I’m labeled a Xenophobe. If I’m for prayer in the schools, I’m a religious zealot. If I’m pro-life I’m a misogynist. If I’m wary of Muslims immigrating here from countries that harbor terrorists them I’m an Islamaphobe. Of course, I’m also labeled as someone who is white, therefore I have the elusive White Privilege. I’m told I should feel bad about myself and my country. Push back folks or THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH will be controlled by the Thought Police! L. A.


Crowd of UFO fans seeking to ‘raid Area 51’ hits 1 MILLION despite US Air Force warning

If even a small fraction of those UFO lovers show up to try and break ‘them aliens’ free from the secret desert facility, the ‘Area 51 raid’ joke risks spilling into one of the largest civil disobedience events ever in the US.
I’m all in! LOL! I’ll keep an eye on this. Civil disobedience is always risky and Area 51 is very remote. There are ZERO facitilies around the area. I would caution against this as it can only lead to chaos. 

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