We Have Been on Assignment since June 24th!

We will return around the 16th of July! Here are some “teasers.” We’re on the TRAIL! L. A.

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3 Responses

  1. Hey, L.A.?
    My partner/friend/Brother, may you you, your wife and ministry flourish this coming year for the purpose in Convicting the onlookers with the Truth, the Life and the Way of YAH’ushuah, our Mashyiach?
    I will look to post All of your highlights on my FB page & hope to merge with you sometime in the future, as after meeting you in North Jersey church in Dec, 2014, i know we are like minded.
    YAHUAH bless & keep YOU & YOUR’S this day, causing prosperity on everthing you put your hands to, in YAH’ushah❤
    Your Brother & Distant Friend,
    Chris Lefebvre
    (908) 356-3702

  2. Oh thank the Lord I was beginning to get worried.
    Prayers for you and yours.

  3. Just left comment on FB. You all had me worried…notty notty. We love you and can’t wait to hear and see videos again on YT. Excited about your new research and what you found. God bless. Ps. 91.

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