Please Help…

Richard Shaw, the award-winning director of Beat the Drum, the Torah Codes film, Gaza, The Watchers Series and much more passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly on June 20th, 2019. Because of Richard’s sudden passing, we’re asking for your help in supporting his wife, Mary. Between burial costs, loss of income, and what will no doubt be a very difficult time of transition, Mary will need some financial support to get back on her feet.
For those of you who don’t know Richard well, I want to sum up as best I can the life and works of Richard Shaw. Words alone cannot tell the whole story, or do him justice, but we’ll try. Richard was a one-of-a-kind filmmaker and friend, who shared an intense love for the Land of Israel. Over the past few years, Richard was befriended by many of the leading Rabbis in Israel, well-known men like Rabbi Glazerson, who dedicated his life to the study of the Torah Codes. Richard was at the forefront of Torah Codes research in America and had a passion for the Bible.
He made a difference in this world in his 65 years. His resume was truly unbelievable, spending the last 40 years building the infrastructure of several major Christian television ministries and partnering up with L.A. Marzulli for 11 films in the Watcher Series.
He and L.A. continued their search for the supernatural as they documented UFO encounters and the search for the Nephilim. His work on some controversial subjects will forever change how we view these topics.
Richard dedicated his life to the Kingdom of God and the discovery and documentation of things that had been previously hidden. We all owe a great debt of gratitude to him for his research. He was an incredibly talented director with unparalleled integrity and artistic vision. He had a style all his own.
We will all miss him, and our lives will never be the same without him, but we know that we’ll see him again.
If Richard blessed you in this lifetime, here’s an opportunity to help his wife recover from this difficult time in her life. God bless you!
Richard Shaw Speaking at the Prophecy Watchers Conference


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5 Responses

  1. Oh no..I am so sorry, L.A. May his wife be lifted up and bereaved by ABBA FATHER,in Yah’ushuah/Jesus.Your Bro,Chris Lefebvre from N.J.
    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  2. I found out yesterday when you were on with Gary. So sad, there was something about Richard that made you like him from the first time you see him. May the Lord bring peace and comfort to his family.

  3. So many eyes were opened and saw truth, through the eyes of Richard…
    and the talents the Lord gave to him to use while he was here. Truly a life well lived in service to the Lord and all who were blessed to know him…or view his work.
    A time of sadness…yet a reminder for us all to use the talents we all have to open eyes… as time here is running out.
    Am sure Richard and Dr. Leer would tell you ” Carry on dear friend we impacted many lives and more need to see.”
    Praying for the work you all have done to reach many others, and Peace for you and the family through your time of loss.

  4. Dear L.A. and Peggy you have endured a year like Job you lost your home in California that you built and enjoyed to wildfires. You moved to Oklahoma where there are tornadoes every week. You and Peggy went on an R & R and even that had problems now you suffer the lose of your best friend and awesome director and cinematographer Richard Shaw. I truly believe that God has your ministry in transition and he will raise up someone you don’t even know yet to try and take his place. Your not done by a long shot. your about to get bigger. Don’t think for a second that the lord has left you desolate but its just another phase in bringing the truth to anyone who will listen. I want to encourage you both. Mourn the loss of your friend and trust that God not only has your back but he is going make your work even more relevant and busy. Get ready. I for one will support you financially and prayfully. Your both an inspiration to me and many others. In Christ Keith

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