Global Overview From – The Osprey

Global Overview




Osprey is one source for INTEL. He contacts me from time to time. This is his latest post. Proceed with caution as the following is Osprey’s opinion. L. A.
The major agencies provided a briefing and the material focused upon one topic Iran.
Iran is clearly behind the tanker incident. No intent to sink, simply harass.
Military Chiefs of Staff from China and Russia met in Moscow.  Purpose to circumvent US sanctions on Iran. Russia wants NATO dismantled, with no new members. So, look for pressure on NATO countries. China wants autonomy in the South China Sea. Collectively they can put pressure to extend their reach. Both will allow Iran to continue on its nuclear expansion program. Iran will get the nuclear weapons sooner than later if they have their way. Conventional weapons are in the pipeline. Russia intends to be the power broker in the middle east. China in the far east.
This does not mean war but means that relations are now strained and a new Cold War era is a reality. Neither wants a war, but time to build. Both want to influence. And so they shall have it as ours wanes in their opinion.
Saudi Arabia is pushing the US to act against Iran. Does this meeting mean Russian troops for Iran? Doubtful. But advisors and tools. Much like the US in Syria.
Russia’s economy is the size of Italy. Their military is very small, but efficient.
China does not have the military to accomplish world goals yet. So, we still have the upper hand. China is stealing technology at a record rate from US companies. It is just a matter of time before the tools to go head to head are developed.
World Islam cannot compete with either of these two long term. Islam may be relegated to counterinsurgency operations. There is some evidence of this in the scholarly journals that relate to defense. David Kilcullen is the best author. China is reeducating (lock and key) the Muslims in Mongolia. Russia uses them as political tools. Immediately we will have to manage Islam.
Last, I am not a dispensationalist. You know that. But, I do think that by mid-century we will see a world that will challenge America to maintain a footing. And a world very hostile to the church.

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