Disclosure – The Ongoing Revealing of the So-called Extraterrestrial Presence…

What’s important here is that we can now begin to gauge the magnitude and frequency of the ongoing UFO incidents once Navy Strike Fighter Squadron 11, the Red Rippers, the carrier air wing to which it was assigned, and the Theodore Roosevelt departed on deployment. Detecting some sporadic anomalies on radar that are deemed ‘inconclusive’ by the aviator himself provides critical color for these events that wasn’t conveyed in the clip from the television show.


Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

(Thanks to Eric W. for the link!)


I don’t know what it’s going to take to wake up most people to the fact that UFOs are real, burgeoning and NOT going away. Oh, wait! I think I know after all! If a UFO lands on the White-House lawn, then people will finally wake up… right? Not so fast citizen.
Of course, I’m poking fun at the ambivalence that is the position of most Americans and the church at large too. Here’s the bottom line folks. Disclosure is happening and it is a managed agenda. The powers-that-be, i.e., The Deep State, is slowly rolling out the so-called Alien/UFO/ET contact with our planet.
However, what if these craft and their occupants are not from another galaxy, but are interdimensional entities bent on deception? The revealing of the so-called extraterrestrial presence is what I have come to call, The Coming Great Deception.
I don’t have anything new to say except to warn, once again, that disclosure is happening. Scripture tells us this: Because they did not believe the truth God send them strong delusion. What is the truth? Jesus created everything by the spoken word. What is the lie? That we evolved from primordial slime and we are an accident.
The strong delusion is when ET reveals themselves and proclaims that they created us, genetically manipulated us, started the worlds first civilizations, religions and now, at this critical juncture in human history, they, ET, have come back to usher us into a golden age. This is the Great Deception and we are on the verge of seeing it manifest.

Do your homework! You don’t know what you Don’t know!!!



Come and meet Hugh Newman and Jim Viera on 17th June! 
We are also doing a date in Boulder CO – https://portaltoascension.org/live_event/megalithic-giants-hugh-newman-boulder/
Hugh & Jim


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