Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
Last night on Tucker Carlson the ongoing UFO disclosure was “ramped up” to a new level. Tucker was interviewing Luis Elizondo. Toward the end of the interview Tucker asks Alizondo this:
“Do you believe, based on your decade of serving in the US government on this question that the US government has in its possession any material from one of these aircraft.”
On the clip, you can see very clearly that Elizondo is uncomfortable with the questions… or his he just pretending to be? He replies:
“Whew…I do yes.”
Carlson presses the point, “Do you think the US government has debris in its possession right now.”
Elizondo replies, “Unfortunately Tucker I really have to be careful about my NDA, I really can’t go into a lot more detail than that but..ah… simply put, yes.
There you have it! I discussed this in an earlier blog that the next part of disclosure would be this. In other words, the powers that be—The Deep State—would trot out someone who would state that the US government has in its possession wreckage from a UFO. I specifically pointed to the Roswell debris as a possible contender. Elizondo spilled the beans as it were and that on Prime-time, national news.
It’s happening and too many people still won’t wake up to what is coming…The Great Deception. I will address this in depth on the next Acceleration Radio!