Coast to Coast to Special!

I appeared on Coast to Coast with George Noory last night. We discussed my new series, On the Trail of the Nephilim, and more specifically the second offering in this episodic series, Mathematical Mysteries of the Moundbuilder!
    George was, as always, a gracious and informed host. The two hours flew by but in that interim, we discussed in depth some of the mathematical mysteries of the enigmatic Moundbuilders. Here are some of the highlights!
    Are you aware that there is advanced mathematics embedded in these earthworks? We see startling evidence of Trigonometry, advanced geometry and surveying techniques!
    Many of the sites are built on an 18.5 year LUNAR Cycle! In order to achieve this one must track and record the position of the moon every night for 18.5 years and record its position! How was this accomplished?
    The interior moat that is inside the Great Circle Mound is for all practical purposes, dead-level! How was this achieved in the ancient world? The Great Circle Mound is 1250 in diameter.
    The Octagon Mound is an irregular Octagon meaning that it’s sides are not equal. It is so large that one could fit the Great Pyramid of Egypt inside it with room to spare. How did the builders lay this out with such precision?
    Many of these sites like the Octagon Mound as well as the Serpent Mound can only be seen from the air… Who is the Prince of the Power of the Air?
    I could go on but I think you get the point.
    The On the Trail of the Nephilim series is episodic and each film is a stand-alone film.
Episode 3, Secrets of the Supernatural – Voices From the Other Side is almost complete and will be available in early July!
    We’re on the Trail!  

INTERESTED? We’re on the Trail!

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