“Today’s action will help ensure that all Americans learn the truth about the events that occurred, and the actions that were taken, during the last Presidential election and will restore confidence in our public institutions,” Sanders said.
Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
Those pesky Russians fooled everyone and the Mueller investigation somehow reached the wrong conclusion? One would certainly think so by Pencil Neck—Adam Schiff’s—remarks regarding Trump’s go-ahead to the AG to declassify documents pertaining to the RUSSIAN hoax.
Here’s the direct quote: “The coverup has entered a new and dangerous phase,” Schiff said in a statement released late Thursday. “This is un-American.” (Schiff)
The only cover up is the one by the MSM who still has not reported the events to the American people. President Trump stated recently that the real collusion may go to the highest levels of the ‘Obummer’ administration.
To reiterate:
The bogus Russian collusion document known as the Steele Dossier was paid for by the DNC and the Hillary for President campaign.
It was concocted by FUSION GPS.
Senator John McCain hand delivered it to the FBI.
The FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign were granted based on this phony dossier.
It would appear that Comey, McCabe, Brenan, Strzok and
Paige, not to mention HRC, is where the real collusion lies.