Stonehenge: DNA reveals origin of builders
The ancestors of the people who built Stonehenge travelled west across the Mediterranean before reaching Britain, a study has shown.
Researchers compared DNA extracted from Neolithic human remains found across Britain with that of people alive at the same time in Europe.
The Neolithic inhabitants appear to have traveled from Anatolia (modern Turkey) to Iberia before winding their way north.
Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
My Email box had several posts from people who were as excited as I was to read this article.
My hypothesis has been that people from the Middle East were responsible for building the megalithic structures that we see throughout Europe and I would posit the Americas as well.
We traveled with our team to Peru to extract DNA which by the way took three years to get the official permits to do so. Mondo Gonzales our archaeologist wrote the necessary proposal in order to obtain those permits. Chase Kloetske was our field forensic expert who tagged and bagged the samples. The Director of the Watchers Series, Richard Shaw, filmed everything. Yours truly assisted Mondo when we collected the DNA samples to be processed and led our team.
Then we added Dr. Alday MD and Malcolm Warren a chiropractor who examined the findings of our teams anthropologist, Rick Woodward, who discovered the morphological differences between the Paracas skulls and those of ordinary humans. This was critical and Woodward gets all the credit.
Our DNA results showed origins in the Middle East and Europe. We held a press conference and also created a co-authored book that discussed our findings. Of course, our discovery wasn’t picked up by the national media which is a shame as I believe our discovery does in fact, re-write history.
Our team with the assistance of Joe Taylor and Aaron Judkins unwrapped the 1935-year-old mummy you see directly to the above.
I contacted two labs and the labs tested the DNA. The results came back U2E1, which is European. Three separate DNA tests were done on this artifact in what we have come to call the “baby.”
I would like to thank our anonymous donors who provided us with the funds that enabled us to do this.
Brien Foerster was also instrumental in acting as a liaison between our team and the Ica Museum as well as the Paracas History Museum.
So this DNA testing is yet another piece of the puzzle. Were the builders of Stonehenge the descendants of the Nephilim? Perhaps.
I wonder if this study was able to coax the elusive nuclear DNA from the samples. That has been the missing piece of the equation for us. If found, it may provide us with the answers we have been looking for…
I think there is a hidden history that has been deliberately hidden from the peoples of the world.
This is why I’m on the Trail!