The Deep State Coup…
“Because if I had told anyone in the campaign, it would have been a conspiracy, but it would have been based on Western intelligence basically fabricating the entire thing,”
Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli


The Russian Collusion narrative that the MSM hammered on for over two years was, in my opinion, a Deep State attempt to overthrow the will of the American people. It was nothing short of a soft coup de tat. We know the following to be true.
  1. Rod Rosenstein wanted to evoke the 25th amendment to declare unfit for the presidency.
  2. The FISA warrant that enabled the Justice Department to spy on the Trump campaign warrant was 100% manipulated. In other words, key information was deliberately left out.
  3. Lisa Page has stated under oath that the Obama Justice Department to “stand down” on Clinton email prosecution.
  4. We know that the so-called Steele Dossier which is the basis for the Russian collusion story was manufactured and paid for by the Hillary for President Campaign as well as the DNC.
  5. The Mueller investigation cost the American people 25 million dollars and in the end, essentially vindicated President Trump of any Russian Collusion.
The bottom line for me is what will the response be from the Trump administration and the Republicans now that we know the entire investigation was based on a bogus, concocted, story designed to implicate Trump in a crime that he never committed. In essence, the Mueller investigation was a witch hunt!
Shame on the Main Stream Media from spending what amounts to hours talking about Russian collusion and the impeachment of our president.
Shame on the pampered Hollywood elites who called for impeachment as well.


Shame on Little Adam Schiff for continuing to believe in the bogus Russian collusion story. Show us what you have or go away…
It’s time to investigate the Obama officials who spread the Russian hoax.
It’s time to look into Hillary Clinton’s participation in Uranium One. Follow the money.

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