Monday Morning Musings with Marzulli!


Mueller does not find Trump campaign knowingly conspired with Russia

No Russian Collusion! Surprise surprise! Maxine Waters is in full meltdown mode as is little Adam Schiff. The Dems spent 25 million dollars and found essentially nothing that implicates Trump in any way. However, the MSM and Hollywood can’t believe it. They were so sure the Mueller investigation would be the end of Trump and his family.
Day after day talking heads on CNN and MSNBC pounded this narrative into the American people’s head. They were so sure of Russian collusion. They talked of impeachment of high crimes, and misdemeanors, of prison time for Trump…
The MSM should be ashamed of themselves. Some of these pundits should be called out for their bias and false reporting. No Russian collusion…


Giuliani cryptically warns person behind Russia collusion claim will be outed: ‘Just pay attention’

This is what I’ve been waiting for. We now know that the DNC, the Clinton Campaign, the Obama Justice Department, and the FBI concocted and pushed forward the phony Steele dossier. This is the basis of the Russian collusion story. It was bogus from the beginning.
As I stated last week on a PP&S Report, Lisa Page indicated under oath that the Obama Whitehouse was involved in an “insurance” policy in case Trump actually won the election.
The real story is about to come out and the American people will see how just how corrupt the Deep State is. There was, in my opinion, an attempt at a soft coup to oust Trump, allegedly instigated by Rod Rosenstein. I only hope that they go after the real perpetrators of this false narrative that has cost taxpayers millions and hampered the Trump administration.



Here we have the bottom line and it is disgusting. The Democratic party embraces death. On this basis alone how can anyone vote these people into office?


Palestinian Cleric: “France Will Become an Islamic Country Through Jihad”

“We will fight them until the entire world is subject to the rule of Islam”

We have to ask ourselves if this statement is, in fact, the true face of Islam.  In my opinion, this is what Islam is really about. Make no mistake about it. Why should we think differently? We now have Muslims in Congress. Do they hold this view too?
 As I stated last week, do Muslim congressmen and congresswomen hold Sharia higher than our Constitution? Why is it that Ilhan Omar’s blatantly antisemitic remarks were not condemned by Congress? Why is it that the women in New Zealand donned the Hijab in support of Muslims there after the attack that killed dozens of people? Don’t they realize that women in Iran are throwing their hijabs off because it is repressive and subjugates them?
Why is Judge Jeanine essentially censored by FOX news for calling out Omar’s remarks? We have to ask ourselves what is the true face of Islam? Is Islam what this cleric tells us, that France will become Islamic through Jihad? Or is it the religion of peace as President George W. Bush insisted it was after the events of 911?

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