Monday Morning Musings With Marzulli

Monday Musings


L. A. Marzulli


19 Corpses In Trash Bags Found in Mexican Canal

There is no border crises! We certainly don’t need a wall. Everything is fine on our border. The drug cartels really aren’t that bad. Vote for Beto! Seriously? Beto the candidate who was born to run! LOL! Beto the candidate with zero accomplishments and who wants open borders.
The drug cartels are out of control. What Trump should do is pull the boys out of—18 years and counting—Afghanistan and put them to good use going after the drug cartels. Mexico is a war zone. It is a dangerous place and I for one will no longer travel there. Shame on the Republicans in the Senate who voted against the national emergency on our border. Tell that to the families of the 19 victims wrapped in plastic. We have idiots in Congress.


Media Silence Surrounds Muslim Massacre of Christians

Political leaders and public figures were falling over themselves this weekend to condemn the mosque attacks in New Zealand, while dozens of Christians were slaughtered by Muslims in Nigeria to the sound of crickets.
Anti-Christian bias has been rightly called “the last acceptable prejudice,” one that few bother condemning.

The media never covers these stories. Last year thousands of Christians were murdered by Muslim extremists and the media for the most part never covered one story. There was no outrage as Christian churches were torched, villages destroyed, and people tortured and killed in the most gruesome of ways. Double standard anyone?


Fox News pulls Jeanine Pirro show after her Islamophobic remarks

“Omar wears a hijab, which according to the Quran 33:59, tells women to cover so they won’t get molested. Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to Sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?” Pirro said last week.

I stand with The Judge. As I stated in a blog last week, is Omar’s allegiance to Sharia or the Constitution. Which set of laws will she differ too? This is the question that should be asked of every Muslim who is elected to Congress.
Of course, the Thought-Police got all over The Judge and silenced her opinion by pulling her show off the air. Folks we are living in an Orwellian nightmare where freedom of speech is compromised at every turn. If you or I put forth an honest question like the one above concerning Omar’s support for either Sharia or the Constitution we are labeled intolerant, Islamaphobes. Push back and don’t let the Thought Police win. Here’s what POTUS SAID!


The Movie Captive State.
Peggy and I along with Bob and Krissy Ulrich went to the movies on Friday night to watch Captive State. We won’t be going back to the theater any time soon. The trailers that they showed were 100% demonic. Who makes this stuff? These demonically inspired trailers must be cooked up in Hell’s kitchen. I won’t partake in it anymore. At one point I closed my eyes and put my fingers in my ears. I don’t want this garbage in my spirit man.
The body count in these trailers was through the roof. But remember Hollywood will lecture us about gun control, but create films where so many people are killed in spurts of endless gunfire and somehow that’s OK. Double standard!
Captive State was a real let down. It’s not worth the price of admission. The plot is tortured and so is most of the acting. The aliens are evil and have taken over the world. The human race has become a slave race and everyone is chipped so the authorities can keep track of everyone on monitors. The good guys win at the end. That’s it. We all wanted our money back. We won’t be going to see Hollywood trash any time soon. I’m done.


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