Coming to you from an undisclosed location somewhere on the wind-swept prairies of Oklahoma. I’m your intrepid host L. A. Marzulli…
Actually, we’re leaving California tomorrow and will head east to arrive in Oklahoma around the 7th. We went to the burned-out property yesterday and prayed over it. We released it to the Lord and thanked Him for all the wonderful years we had there.
It’s a new chapter for us.
2019 Speaking Schedule
January: 18-20 Oregon –
February: Moving to Oklahoma!
18: MUFON Conference. (Details soon)
28-30: Hear the Watchmen: Dallas Texas
April: 11-13: Arkansas UFO conference (Details soon)
Research with Fritz Zimmerman
17-18: With Paul Begley – San Antonio (Details soon)
27th: w/ Chief Joseph Riverwind Sterling, IL. (Details soon)
June: Just Added! 12-13: Dr. Larry Ollison – Walk on the Water Faith Church
Friday 26-27: Lima Ohio (Details soon)
August: Research.
13-15: True Legends –
Steve Quayle – Tim Alberino –
September: 28-29: Newark Ohio- Nephilim Mounds with Russ Dizdar
October: 4-6: San Antonio –
25-27: Southern Appalachian Prophecy Conference – Atlanta
To contact L. A. Marzulli to book me at your conference or church please email me:
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After almost two months of being permanently displaced by the Woolsey fire, our online store is up and running again—at least some parts of it are.
The new film Mysterious Moundbuilders, which is the first in the On the Trail of the Nephilim series, was delivered to our “rented home” the day before Thanksgiving. We now have a garage full of DVDs and we’re shipping today!
Here’s what some people who have seen the film say about it!
L. A.
Awesome! Simply awesome! This was handled perfectly and your experts and consultants were on target!! Great job!
Rick Woodward
Bossier Parish Community College
Hi LA and Peggy
Just finished watching your latest Dvd !!
So good and of course makes so much sense, of course, giants built them !! To think otherwise is ludicrous.
May the NEPHILIM MOUNDS completely sell out !!!
Moundbuilders is one of LA’s best work yet!! From beginning to end this documentary will have you on the edge of your seat. If you at all wondered how the mounds found all over the world could have actually been built, who built them and even why this is the documentary to watch. Could our history be wrong? Why does there seem to be a managed narrative and bias by secular academia? (Why, when following the evidence, does it end up taking us back to the bible?) Watch as (our friend) L. A. and his team goes on the trail to tackle these questions and more. Listen to Native American accounts and what Archaeologists and Anthropologists have to say when looking at evidence that doesn’t line up with official narratives. Is there a coverup? I can’t wait for the next installment in this gripping new series, On The Trail of the Nephilim.
Brian and Audrey Vanderkley
Hi LA, my wife Caroline and I just finished watching your Mysterious Moundbuilders video.
We thought that it was well done and most fascinating. The part dealing with “soft tissue” from the dinosaur got me thinking about the origins of dinosaurs. Thanks again for a great product.
Looking forward to reading your UFO Disclosure book as well…take care LA and God bless you
and family………….David
Awesome! There is no way someone can watch that production and not realize secular history is fabricated.
Todd Reed
Hi L. A.
My daughter in law and I just watched your new video and loved it! Best pictures of mounds I have seen. Most photos of the mounds don’t do justice, but yours are great. Thank you for using pictures of our site too. Nicely done documentary! Looking forward to part 2 next year!
America’s Stone Henge
L. A. Marzulli and his associates dare to look beyond, or rather underneath, the inadequate yet commonly accepted, explanations given for the presence of these mysterious structures found throughout our country. By combining skilled film making, experienced Archaeologists, competent research, practical hands-on experimentation, sound reasoning, and dedication to the most ultimate of standards – the Bible, this film series promises to be mound-breaking in it’s search for the truth concerning Prehistory in North America and the world at large.
Rhoda Manz