Politics and the Supernatural: How To Solve The Border Crisis – Project Blue Book!

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli


I watched President Trump’s Oval Office speech last night. Let’s walk through it.
Here are the facts and they are true.
Heroin and other drugs pour in from our southern border. Heroin traffic has tripled since 2009! https://drugabuse.com/featured/drug-trafficking-across-borders/
Children are trafficked and many women are raped trying to get into our country Illegally. https://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1031&context=childrenatrisk
Illegal aliens cost California billions per year. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/map-illegal-immigration-costs-california-most-23b-all-states-89b
So why Chuck and Nancy tell us Trump is fear mongering I just laid out the “facts.” I’m sure Nancy would dismiss these facts however they are true and I think any fair-minded person would agree they are alarming and indeed it what is happening on the border is a crisis.
So how do we solve the border crisis? We ship Congress down to the Southern border. However, we make sure each member does not have their usual entourage of secret service people who are armed to the teeth with them. We have Congress spend the weekend in the town of El Paso. If it were only true….
If we do this Nancy Pelosi might be able to finally face the facts of what is happening on our porous southern border. Of course, after the weekend she can hightail it back to the safety and security of her gated, walled estate but maybe she and Chuck won’t lecture us about fear mongering anymore.
While Nancy and Chuck appearance last night sparked Memes like this people are dying every day from drug overdoses from heroin. Violent criminal gangs mostly comprised of illegal aliens continue to haunt our cities. Billions are spent each year on services for the illegals.
Wake up!
Call your congressman and demand the wall!

Project Blue Book!

HISTORY’s upcoming new drama series ‘Project Blue Book’ is based on the true, top-secret investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force from 1952 to 1969.
I watched the History Channel’s Project Blue Book last night. The story was based on an actual encounter that legendary researcher and UFO investigator J. Allen Hynek looked into.
The series is really well done and I’m looking forward to the second episode.
UFOs are real burgeoning and NOT going away! The cat and mouse game that has gone on for decades continues and I would posit there is something that is restraining them from fully manifesting. Gee, I wonder what or WHO that could be?
These crafts fly with impunity all over the globe. They move at speeds that defy our physics. They make maneuvers that are aeronautically impossible!
Are these entities from another galaxy or are they interdimensional beings with one goal… to deceive mankind!

Two resources to help you understand the UFO phenomenon and the perilous times in which we live!

Go to www.lamarzulli.net

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