I’m Displaced… But I will Not Go Quietly!


Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli

Our Mission Statement: To expose the deception of the Prince of the Power of the Air and to Herald the return of the King, Jesus!

This man is on the other side of the aisle. I went with his youtube video because I think it’s good to hear about a subject from all sides. While I disagree with some of what he says, for instance, the concept that we are not alone in the universe, I do agree that he nails it when he states that “disclosure” is soon.
Before I go on let me offer that if God will roll up the heavens like a scroll and create a new heaven and earth then we might be living in a Holographic Universe.
“No one knows what this is or where we are in it. If the universe is analogous to the United States is planet earth’s position in the universe akin to Walla Walla, Duluth, Miami, or Dallas? No one knows!” L. A. Marzulli 2018
So with that in mind who are these so-called intruders? I would posit that these are not extraterrestrials but are interdimensional beings that are masters of deception. Jaque Vallee, as well as J. Allen Hynek, put this position forth decades ago.
Disclosure is ongoing and here’s the link to what was on the Drudge Report today.
“The church has a morbid propensity toward ambivalence when it comes to the UFO phenomenon.” L. A. Marzulli 2018
The UFO phenomenon is the end-time-plan of deception straight from the Prince of the Power of the Air, which is one of Satan’s titles. These crafts move with impunity over all the airspace in every country on the planet. This is the Coming Great Deception.
We still have some UFO Disclosure books in our “skeletal” inventory.
These books came from the Dallas and Atlanta conferences.


Hi LA – I watched your presentation on Gary Stearman’s Blessed Hope Conference and it was excellent.  Sadly, the majority of Christian’s have no idea what is going on and we hear nothing from the pulpits or para church organizations.  I ordered your book from your website, but did not receive an email confirmation of the order so trust the order was received ok. I am looking forward to reading it. Amazing how many people are not willing to receive this kind of information.  You should make available a DVD copy of your presentation at the Blessed Hope conference with each book if people want to purchase the DVD.  Shipping costs would not be much more.  I am a Canadian, so by the time I pay exchange and shipping the book will cost me around $40.  The shipping cost seemed unusually high and if I recall correctly it was around $19.  Would like to order more copies for my sons for Christmas (or after) but it is cost prohibitive for me as we are pensioners on limited income. 
Thank you for your diligence in getting the UFO Disclosure message out.  The world scene is escalating so fast these days that it is mind boggling.
So sorry about your fire situation and I can not imagine the loss you have endured as a result.  May God’s amazing grace be all over you and your family through this whole situation. 
See you in heaven someday, perhaps sooner than we think with the imminent rapture event.  I can hardly wait…but must be patient and busy with the Lord’s business as Jesus has called us to ‘occupy’ until He returns.
Thank you ~ Judy

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