Trump Has the Intel and the Dirt on these ELITES!

Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
What if President Trump is fully aware of the corruption leading up to perhaps Obama himself. What did acting AG Loretta Lynch actually say to former president Bill Clinton on the Tarmac? Are we supposed to believe they talked about their grandchildren?
Why is Huma Abedin always with Hillary wherever she goes? Is this normal? Why is that her former husband Anthony Wiener had Hillary’s emails on his computer? Why didn’t the DOJ act on this?
What if Seth Riches murder was in retaliation to his informing about the dirty tricks being played out by the DNC and Hillary Clinton? Why haven’t Republicans investigated this?
Why did Debbie Wasserman Shultz step down? Did she in fact rig the nomination process so Hillary would be the nominee?
Why is it that after more than two years of the Muller probe there is no indication of Russian collusion by the Trump campaign.
Why hasn’t the FISA warrant which is the basis for the bogus investigation into the supposed Trump Russian collusion been made public? What are the DEMS afraid of? Why are they bloocking its release?
How come Uranium one isn’t being investigated. Did the Clinton foundation receive monies from what may be an illegal sale?
How come Eric Holder gets a pass for “fast and furious?”
Why did the Obama administration fly in millions of dollars in CASH to the Iranians when a wire transfer would have been just as good and far easier? Who kept track of the cash?
Why is it that former FBI director Comey not only worked with Muller but has been part of the Clinton political machine for years.
Why is it that DEMS throw a hissy fit when Rod Rosenstein is replaced?
Why would John Podesta attend a Spirit-cooking ceremony with a modern-day occultist/witch?
I have stated this numerous times but will do so again. We have not a real president since JFK with the exception of Reagon—they tried to kill him too—and now Donald Trump.
Trump, by the way, was never supposed to be in the white house.
The Deep state is all too real. Its tentacles reach everywhere. Trump’s tweet showing politicians and government officials behind bars is a shot across the bow of the Elites, the globalists and the plutocrats who think they are above the law.
Is the noose is tightening?
Where we go one we go all!


Friday, November 16.

Peggy and I are overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and financial aid that so many of you have given.

We have rented a house in Thousand Oaks and are buying furniture. 

We have lost all of our books and DVD’s that were stored in our garage. In other words, all our inventory is gone. Picking up the pieces and we hope to get up and rolling in a few weeks. We’ll see. L. A.


We lost everything our house and studio are all gone as well as all of our products that were stored in our garages.

The place looks like an A-bomb hit it. There’s nothing left… nothing.

We are lost our home.

God will bring good out of this because that’s what He does.

In the meantime, we have created a gofundme page.

You can also donate through PAYPAL: DONATE To the Marzulli Fire Relief Fund

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