Atlanta Conference Update!

This is my article from our November issue of the News Magazine!

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The Church Has a Morbid Propensity Toward Ambivalence When it Comes To The UFO Phenomenon!

L. A. Marzulli
I am amazed at the lack of interest from most of the Christian church in regard to the burgeoning UFO phenomenon. As the title of this article indicates the church seems to have a propensity toward ambivalence concerning all things UFO related. 
Yes, there are people who are looking at the phenomenon and wanting answers, however, for the most part, pastors, Christian TV programs, and Christian books and magazines steer away from the subject and avoid it like Ebola!
However—and this is the dirty little secret within our churches—upward of 30% of the people sitting in the pews on any given Sunday have experienced lights in the sky, orbs, Daylight UFO sightings, an encounter with an entity or sleep paralysis. 
At the conference in Atlanta this weekend—and it was a really great conference—I asked the folks in attendance to raise their hands if they had seen lights in the sky, orbs, daylight UFO sightings, an encounter with an entity or sleep paralysis. I would estimate that well over 60% of the people gathered there had their hands raised. 
I am always amazed when I see the hands shoot up.
There were also a couple who came and spoke with me about ongoing encounters they are having at their home. Not only are they seeing UFOs but on one occasion a beam of red light shot out of one of the craft when they rebuked it in the name of Jesus!
Then there was a man who came up to me and told me this story which I’ll reproduce here. 
He was sitting on his front porch and looking at the night sky. Suddenly a boomerang shaped craft approached him and flew silently over his house. He was mesmerized at seeing it but also realized to his great concern that he was paralyzed. The craft stopped over his house and then the porch began to vibrate intensely. At this point, he forced himself to get up out of the chair and made it back to the house. His wife was sitting in their living room not more than 20 feet away and he asked her if she felt the vibration. She replied that she hadn’t felt a thing. He then told her to come outside and look up at the sky. When they got outside the craft was gone.
Needless to say, he was upset and wondered what was going on. I replied that in my opinion if he had remained on the porch he would have most likely been beamed up to the ship! In other words, abducted.
The man was troubled by this and frankly who wouldn’t be. Both of these stories concern Christian men and woman who have had UFO encounters.
I was able to get both parties to talk to each other about their UFO experiences. I think this is really important and I will be doing more of this at conferences in the future. I might actually hold a group session in a private room so people can realize that they’re not alone and that there are other people out there who are going through what they’re going through. 
Some of you will think like I’m sounding like a broken record when I launch into this next part of my article. However, it needs to said over and over again and maybe after a while the gravity of what I’m saying may begin to sink in.
Over the weekend at The Southern Appalachian Prophecy Conference—which by the way will be held next year at the same place and time—I showed the folks the clips from The Tucker Carlson show. Last December Tucker had a former F18 pilot on, Commander David Fravor who stated that the UFO he saw and recorded on film: was not of this world!
This statement on FOX news, which is main-stream television was disclosure. As I stated over the weekend and do so now, I really thought my phone was going to blow up and pastors and people would be calling me. To my disappointment and admitted frustration the phone didn’t ring and I only received one email from someone who had seen the Tucker Carlson show the night before.
I still find this very troubling as the proof of the churches ambivalence to the burgeoning UFO phenomenon is in the lack of response if indeed there was any at all.
There are good pastors out there who are afraid to address the subject of UFOs with their flock. There are good people sitting those pastors churches who have had an encounter and are too afraid or ashamed to go to their pastor and talk to him about it.
This is the reason why I wrote the new book, UFO Disclosure, and it’s the reason why I will continue to sound the alarm of what I term The Coming Great Deception.
Most of you who subscribe to the News Magazine or frequent my BLOG often will know exactly what I mean by this term. For those of you who are new, I’ll fill you in.
Darwinism is the prevailing global paradigm. It’s the accepted world-view in academia and the scientific community. Thus, there is no supernatural, no prophecy, no miracles of the Bible, and certainly, Jesus didn’t create anything, was not the Son of God and perhaps wasn’t even a real person.
Thus the neo-Darwinist are looking to outer-space for the answers to the riddle of our origins. They embrace the concept of Panspermia, the idea that we were seeded here by an advanced race of extraterrestrials. They are looking to the so-called extraterrestrial as the answer!
With this in mind and the fact that we are seeing on-going disclosure in all forms of our media, one can only wonder when not if full disclosure will happen.
This also makes me wonder about the timing of the Rapture of the church. As I stated this year: We go up they come down!
Think about it. Something is holding the full-blown disclosure of UFOs. Something is keeping a mile-wide UFO from hovering over the White House!
Could He that restrains be restraining? In other words, could the Spirit of the Living God in the believer be what is holding back the full manifestation of UFOs?
That’s the position I’m holding on to.
However, how much will the church see before we go home? How much will be revealed to us before we hear the last trump and rise to meet Him in the air?
What will we encounter as believers?
I don’t have an answer to this but nevertheless, I’m troubled and concerned with what I see being revealed in all forms of media. Then there are the people sitting in the pews who have had encounters or the people that come up to me at a conference. They need to be able to discuss what they have seen and to do it without condemnation or ridicule.
Time for the church to address what is going on and stop hiding behind the pulpit for fear of ridicule. If FOX news is going with the story then why shouldn’t the church be addressing this?
As I have stated numerous times: UFOs are real burgeoning and not going away!

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