Panspermiar and Secret UFO Base!

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

The Christian Community has a morbid propensity toward being ambivalent in regard to the ongoing UFO phenomenon! L. A. Marzulli October, 2018

I was on The Carl Gallup show with his son Brandon Gallup last night. We discussed the ongoing revealing of the UFO phenomenon. This is when I came up with the quote above.
There are two stories presented here. The first one tells us that life could have been seeded through the universe by comets or asteroids. So why does this get my hair on fire? We are told that Jesus spoke everything into existence that without Him nothing that was made that was not made.
He created Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him. So which is it asteroids bringing life here or the God of the Bible?
This concept that we were seeded here is called panspermia and is being embraced by the neo-Darwinists who are looking for clues as to mankind’s origins.
The second story discusses the “secret” base near Tonopah. Essentially this is Area 51. Years ago, when I met Bob Lazar he told me that he saw UFOs that were in our possession. He stated that he saw one of the craft which he nicknamed the “sport model” hovering outside its hangar.
In my film In Their Own Words – UFOs are Real, we show two whistleblowers who come on the record anonymously and state that they saw UFOs in underground bases.
So you may ask yourself… what does this have to do with me?
Glad you asked!
What we are seeing is the rolling out of the so-called extraterrestrial presence. The people of the world are being set up to embrace the lie, that we were seeded here by ET. We are being conditioned to accept so-called aliens as our progenitors.
However, these “intruders” who take five-year-old boys and implant them with metallic chips, or mutilate our cattle are not from any star system anywhere. They are Interdimensional beings who here to deceive mankind. I call this The Coming Great Deception.
We are being set up for it.

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