My Response to PITN’s Linda Church email Blasts

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

I am writing this as a pastor who is very concerned with the recent inflammatory emails that Linda Church and PITN have been blasting out on the Net. The Biblical Narrative states this:
Matthew 18:15-17 English Standard Version (ESV)
If Your Brother Sins Against You
15 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.
To the best of my knowledge, Linda Church has never talked with Bob or Gary about the “fault.” Because of this, she is in error and in need of correction. She is simply not acting within the confines of the Biblical mandate set forth in our Bibles.
She has never contacted Gary Stearman or Bob Ulrich and discussed any of the statements she assures us are true.
Because of this, her statements should be seen as nothing more than what they really are, the fruit of a bitter heart acting out in the flesh.
There needs to be mediation between Linda Church and Gary and Bob to stop the backbiting and outright lies that are being spewed out. Who is the accuser of the brethren?
I know Gary and Bob intimately and they are two of the most upright men I have ever encountered in my life. They walk the talk.
Linda Church has now gone after the short-lived host at PITN, Lynn Leahz, once again spreading inflammatory remarks far and wide.
If I knew where Linda Church attended church I would contact her pastor directly. This sort of vitriol and vituperative remarks are no better than what we see in the world and shouldn’t be coming from any so-called Christian and certainly not from someone who has been in ministry for decades.
L. A. Marzulli


L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Schedule!

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October 27-28: Southern Appalachian Prophecy Conference –  Freedom-Lights Church – With Russ Dizdar!


January 5-7 -2018 – Church of His Presence, Alabama.  We had a wonderful time with Pastor John and the great people of CHP!!
March 17 -18  Grace Fellowship Church Dayton Ohio area. Pastor Michael Berner: Great people there!
March 22-25 – Dallas Texas! Hear the Watchman Conference! Mike & Jeannie hit it out of the park. Great to see all the folks and the presentations were informative. See you in Long Island
April 20-22 in Akron, Ohio. Coach Dave, Russ Dizdar, Pastor Paul Begley, The Haggman’s and more! Great to meet all the folks! Thanks for the great conference COACH!
May 18: The Anchor – Oceanside, California. Pastor Levi gave us a tour of Camp Pendleton. Peggy and I also went to a shooting range and spent some time with an AR15. Thanks to all the folks who showed up. We’ll be back next year!
May – 26 June…: ISRAEL TOUR!!! L. A. Marzulli – Mondo Gonzales (Archaeologist MS) 11 day tour.  What an amazing tour! We’re going to do it again next year! We will be posting the new itinerary soon. We made some great new friends while in Israel. Thanks to all who signed up for the tour.
July 14-15 – Michigan –  The Coming Great Deception Conference w/ Pastor Pete Valdez! Hope to see you there! 

Alwyas good to see pastor Pete and his lovely wifey Shirley. Met some wonderful people there and recorded some great interviews for future films! 

August 10-11, 2018. Hear The Watchmen – Long Island.
Good conference on Long Island. There were some great messages presented by the speakers and you can still get the live streaming. 

September 28 – 30: Switzerland with Russ Dizdar and Timothy Alberino!  here is the link:

October 12-14 – Prophecy Watchers Conference

October 27-28: Southern Appalachian Prophecy Conference –  Freedom-Lights Church – With Russ Dizdar!

November 9-11- Operation Classified!

 To book L. A. to speak at your church or conference.
 Please email him: la@

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