Discloser 1.2 Fox News

More disclosure on FOX news. I just amazed at the lack of interest from the church!

This is a sample from my new book:


Chapter 7 – UFO brain fog.
In my film In Their Own Words – UFOs are Real I interview three people who show signs of what I have come to call “UFO brain fog.”
In all three instances these folks are reacting in ways that are abnormal for them.
I’m not going to go into detail in each of the cases since I do so in the film, but I will point out some similarities in each of their stories.
In each instance, these three people:
  1. Encounter something out of the ordinary; 
  2. Have encounters with orbs or UFOs; 
  3. Their reality is compromised, and they no longer think like they normally would; 
  4. They act and say things that are atypical;                                                     For instance, one woman


    We were speeding, but we weren’t going anywhere.” How do you speed in a car and not go anywhere?
Al encountered a large orange orb that paced his car. This is what he had to say after the object left.  After the orange sphere left the scene, we just concentrated on driving. We didn’t really say anything to each other.” 
In both instances this behavior doesn’t make any sense, yet this is how these folks behaved.
In the film I interviewed Al Matthews about his encounter with a hybrid who sat on his lap and wanted to kiss him. I asked him if he thought it was normal to allow a woman he barely knew to sit on his lap. From Al’s reaction it is apparent that he had never really processed that thought. He just accepted it. 
What I find interesting is that there is a biblical precedent for this kind of behavior. 
For example, when the angel appeared to Peter in the jail cell, Peter was confused and not sure whether he was dreaming. 
In another example, an angel appeared to Daniel who then fell on his face and was confused. It was only when the angel touched Daniel and spoke a blessing over him that he could “function” normally again.
Throughout the Bible instances of angels appearing to people result in the same reaction: those people are deeply afraid.
Think of the shepherds who were tending sheep near Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth. They were terrified when the angels appeared.
Both good and bad angels affect humans. We kind of short-circuit when they appear. We act irrationally.
During Jesus’ transfiguration, Peter exclaimed that they should build “booths,” or tents. While he was referring to the Feast of Tabernacles during which the Jewish people built booths, his statement is nevertheless irrational.
People who are abducted have trouble thinking “normally” in the days following the abduction. Their memories can be scrambled. The entities who have abducted them can also plant memories in their minds. 
Abductees can be confused and unable to concentrate at work. They can become depressed or withdrawn. 
They can also begin to accept what is happening to them. This is called the Stockholm syndrome, and I’ve encountered the syndrome on more than one occasion. 
An example of this is when I was first investigating the UFO phenomenon and went out to Area 51. More specifically I went to Little A’Le’Inn in Rachel, Nevada where I was attending a conference that Gary Schultz was holding. 
There were people in attendance who had been abducted. 
I interviewed one woman who had been taken many times. She had come to believe that these entities were beyond our understanding and as a result she accepted what was happening to her. The “aliens” took her most beloved possession, her dog, away from her. When I asked her why she thought they had done this, she replied that their reasons for doing so were beyond our understanding. 
I pressed the point that these entities took something she loved and cherished. I thought she would surely admit that this was not a good thing. The woman remained essentially brain-washed into believing that these entities had her best interest at heart. UFO brain fog.
Another example is of a woman (who will remain anonymous) that had direct voice-to-mind communication with these entities. She believed they were here to help mankind and was told she had a special mission. In the end, she lost so much weight and was in such poor health that her friends and family grew concerned for her. Her life was being slowly taken from her. The good news is she contacted me, and I was able to tell her about Jesus and the Good News. She came to Jesus and the abductions, as well as the voice-to-mind communication, stopped. 
People who have encounters with UFOs will experience UFO Brain Fog. They will think and behave irrationally. They will essentially check their worldview, morals, ethics, and belief systems at the door and accept what is happening to them as being for the greater good of themselves and mankind. 
When questioned, they will defend their actions. 
These people are dealing with supernatural beings who are more powerful than we are, and are perhaps millions of years old. They are in a fixed state and are malevolent. They are in league with the Dragon and have aligned themselves with the dark side. They have one agenda and that is to corrupt the seed of mankind. Fear is always their calling card.

Our pre-sale ends this Friday!


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