More disclosure on FOX news. I just amazed at the lack of interest from the church!
This is a sample from my new book:
Chapter 7 – UFO brain fog.
In my film In Their Own Words – UFOs are Real I interview three people who show signs of what I have come to call “UFO brain fog.”
In all three instances these folks are reacting in ways that are abnormal for them.
I’m not going to go into detail in each of the cases since I do so in the film, but I will point out some similarities in each of their stories.
In each instance, these three people:
Encounter something out of the ordinary;
Have encounters with orbs or UFOs;
Their reality is compromised, and they no longer think like they normally would;
They act and say things that are atypical; For instance, one woman
“We were speeding, but we weren’t going anywhere.” How do you speed in a car and not go anywhere?