We Need Your Help! The Red Pill Conference!!!


September 28 – 30: SWITZERLAND with Russ Dizdar and Timothy Alberino!



We need your help

Here is the request
A break thru in this masonic town and the home of the U.N. and
 Cern (located near the pagan temple of Apollion) could greatly change the spiritual ‘balance of power’ in favor of the Truth in a way that has not been seen since the Reformation.

to keep this event in prayer for the whole time that you are here.
For the time being, a lot of the local Christians/Ministers are mostly not getting involved or have been strangely ‘detached’ from this event – or perhaps afraid of its contents.

Consequently, we can only depend on Jesus Christ and any others who are willing to take up the prayer burden with us…
God is able to save by many or by few, so we are absolutely trusting
him to irrevocably ‘shatter the darkness’ that has been here for too long and even in the ‘church’ itself with religion replacing relationship.

Cover these days for travel
Sept 25th travel
26th travel
27th research
28th research
29th  Conference/pray strong
30th  Conference/pray strong
Oct 1 we will be at Cern Pray strong
we are asking for great insight
oct 2 research
oct 3 travel
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much.
17 Elijah was a man subject to natural passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the sky gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit. James 5
20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or imagine, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Eph. 3
Thank you
Russ, Timothy & L. A.

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6 Responses

  1. WOW! You definitely have my prayers during your trip.
    Whenever I have to take authority over darkness and use the name of Jesus, my Yeshua, I always get a picture of demons running and falling over each other to get as far away from me as possible. That’s when peace returns. I love that. I will hold you all in my prayers. May the Grace of the Lord go with you, bless you, keep you safe, and give you mighty power in the name of Yeshua!

  2. Absolutely PRAYING!!! ???
    On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 1:01 AM L. A. Marzulli’s Blog wrote:
    > lamarzulli posted: ” September 28 – 30: SWITZERLAND with Russ Dizdar and > Timothy Alberino! ___________________________________ http://www.uni-light.org > We need your help Here is the request A break thru in this masonic town and > the home of the U.N. and Cern (located n” >

  3. I kept and carry the blue ‘Jesus bracelet’ I got last year at N. Ga. with me daily as a reminder to keep you all in prayers. You and others have inspired me to really pay attention to what my Bible is really saying. Got a book of yours and also Joseph Riverwind, and hopefully will get the chance to hear all of you speak (perhaps when you visit Georgia again). Prayers for your successes and safety.

  4. LA,
    I will be more than willing to war in prayer for you and your team. Any days you want us to specifically fast please let us know and will fast as well (will write down what you already posted for prayer).I found another lady who has seen similar UFO’s in my area like I shared with you and has seen many more than the one I saw. Am trying to get her to go to lunch with me “in an undisclosed location”. She wants to keep this private. Look forward to seeing you again in October! I pray traveling mercies in Jesus name for everyone! Blessings!

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