L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Schedule!

September 28 – 30: SWITZERLAND with Russ Dizdar and Timothy Alberino!



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January 5-7 -2018 – Church of His Presence, Alabama.  We had a wonderful time with Pastor John and the great people of CHP!! http://www.churchofhispresence.org
March 17 -18  Grace Fellowship Church Dayton Ohio area. Pastor Michael Berner: Great people there!  http://www.gracefellowshipohio.org/events/
March 22-25 – Dallas Texas! Hear the Watchman Conference! Mike & Jeannie hit it out of the park. Great to see all the folks and the presentations were informative. See you in Long Island
April 20-22 in Akron, Ohio. Coach Dave, Russ Dizdar, Pastor Paul Begley, The Haggman’s and more! Great to meet all the folks! Thanks for the great conference COACH! https://coachdavelive.com/occupy2018
May 18: The Anchor – Oceanside, California. Pastor Levi gave us a tour of Camp Pendleton. Peggy and I also went to a shooting range and spent some time with an AR15. Thanks to all the folks who showed up. We’ll be back next year!
May – 26 June…: ISRAEL TOUR!!! L. A. Marzulli – Mondo Gonzales (Archaeologist MS) 11 day tour.  What an amazing tour! We’re going to do it again next year! We will be posting the new itinerary soon. We made some great new friends while in Israel. Thanks to all who signed up for the tour.
July 14-15 – Michigan –  The Coming Great Deception Conference w/ Pastor Pete Valdez! Hope to see you there! www.jilm.org 

Alwyas good to see pastor Pete and his lovely wifey Shirley. Met some wonderful people there and recorded some great interviews for future films! 

August 10-11, 2018. Hear The Watchmen – Long Island. www.hearthewatchmen.com
Good conference on Long Island. There were some great messages presented by the speakers and you can still get the live streaming. 

September 28 – 30: Switzerland with Russ Dizdar and Timothy Alberino!  here is the link:


October 12-14 – Prophecy Watchers Conference www.prophecywatchers.com

October 27-28: Southern Appalachian Prophecy Conference –  Freedom-Lights Church – With Russ Dizdar!

November 9-11- Operation Classified!  event.caravantomidnight.com

 To book L. A. to speak at your church or conference.
 Please email him: la@ lamarzulli.net

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Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

This Q-post lit up my text messages and my E-mail inbox. So let’s walk through it. The question posed to “Q” is very straightforward. Are we alone in the universe?
Q replies with what I would consider the “stock” answer to the so-called Extraterrestrial question: No, consider the vastness of space.
Here’s where I stand and I’ll be discussing this at several upcoming conferences, the first being in Switzerland https://uni-light.org/?lang=en the second at the Prophecy Watchers Conference. https://prophecywatchers.com/product-category/live-streaming/
No one knows where we are in the universe or what this really is. No one. Not one person can honestly state where “all of this” came from. If the universe is analogous to the USA are we in Duluth, Miami, Walla Walla? See where I’m going with this? No one knows.
However, the Biblical Prophetic narrative states very clearly that Jesus created everything.
All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.
Of course to the modern-day, rational thinking, man or woman this idea is patently absurd.
However, what if it’s true? What if Jesus did make everything, which of course I believe He did.
So let’s talk about Roswell for a moment because that came up as well in the Q-post. Essentially Q told us Roswell was a reality. Does that mean Roswell is settled for me once and for all? Not in the least. For me, Roswell was settled when I sat down with Dr. Jesse Marcell Jr., years ago. Dr. Marcel related to me in an interview how his father had awakened both he and his mother on the hot July night back in 1947 and presented material that was not of this world.
Roswell happened. It wasn’t a weather balloon. This was the cover story used to calm the public. In a similar way the child-porn story that has now been floated in the MSM may be a cover story as to why the Observatory was shut down by the FBI.
Why the need to shut down an entire observatory. Why didn’t the FBI tell the local authorities what was going down? Secrecy over porn? Not buying it. The powers-that-be are once again manipulating the agenda. Information about UFOs is managed.
At some point, we are going to have full disclosure. It might not be a UFO landing on the Whitehouse lawn but it will be something that we’ve never seen before.
I have stated that I think it could be original footage from the Roswell crash site. I remember asking a retired two star general about what his thoughts were when he first looked at the retrieved bodies from the 1947 Roswell crash. The man’s body language went off the charts. He looked at me and with a face as hard as flint and stated: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
My new book discusses Roswell and so much more! There was a 70-year cover up that still continues to this day. The revealing of the so-called extraterrestrial presence is The Coming Great Deception!

The Pre-sale ends soon!

Check it out. www.lamarzulli.net

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