Something Strange in New Mexico…

Corners of the internet are atwitter about a possible alien coverup after reports that a Blackhawk helicopter and federal agents swooped in and inexplicably evacuated a remote part of New Mexico, including a prominent solar observatory. FBI agents showed up at the Sunspot solar observatory in tiny Sunspot, New Mexico, on Friday and shut down the facility, evacuating the local area, including the town post office. “There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers, but nobody would tell us anything,” Otero County Sheriff Benny House told the Alamogordo Daily News. “I don’t know why the FBI would get involved so quick and not tell us anything.” Learn More:

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

My good friend Bob Ulrich alerted me to this story early this morning. I don’t know what to make of this. It makes no sense why the FBI would be involved in closing or evacuating this facility. Sabotage? Terrorist? Foreign powers meddling? Aliens? Who knows.

Then there’s this picture taken from the link above. Are we looking at lens flares or as the author of the post suggests a fleet of UFOs next to a large “mother-ship?”
I also wonder if this may be the beginning of “The Event” New Agers have been talking about for months. The Event is supposed to be the revealing of the so-called extraterrestrial presence.
Remember, last December Tucker Carlson had F 18 Pilot, Commander David Fravor on his show who states: The craft (UFO) was not of this world.
This was disclosure. Since then Tucker has had on other guests including Nick Pope all of whom discussed the UFO phenomenon.
What we may be looking at is the beginning of The Great Deception. More updates as they become available.


Russ Dizdar!

Timothy Alberino

L. A. Marzulli

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