X-Files Movie

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

This is the new trailer starring Gillian Anderson of X-files fame. So here’s the deal. The opening line is this: Decades of unexplained airport sightings shrouded in secrecy. 
As providence would have it there was a retired air-traffic-controller at the Michigan conference over the weekend. He came on-camera with a story about the very thing this movie is portraying. I will post the interview here tomorrow as I’m flying home today.
This film probes the ongoing UFO activity and cover-up by the Deep State. In my opinion, the film is designed to educate the public about what is really going on but dressed “fictional clothes” it will be non-threatening.
Disclosure is happening and this film is another example of it.
Have you seen our film about UFOs?

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UFO’s are Real!
L. A. Marzulli
UFOs are not going away and we have two choices in dealing with the ongoing phenomenon. The first is to ignore it and not discuss it all. This position abdicates the churches responsibility and allows the crew, over at the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, to dominate the conversation.
The second position—and this is the impetus of my new film, The Watchman Chronicles—is to begin to discuss the ongoing persistent presence of UFO.
As I state in the film, upward of 35% of the folks sitting in your church have seen lights in the sky, unidentified arial phenomenon, disc-shaped craft, or entities that are not-of-this-world.
Here’s a sighting that was reported to me and I conducted a short interview with the witness.
L. A.: Please give us an overview of where you were at the time of the sighting.
Witness: When I saw the sighting, the UFO,  I was in Oceanside California in the downtown area near the Anchor Church.
L. A.: What time of day was it.
Witness: It was around 7 PM on Friday night
L. A.: How did you come to notice the object?
Witness: I noticed the object because  another person pointed out the bright light in the sky, and then I noticed it. There were four of us watching it.
L. A.: What did the object look like?
Witness: It’s hard to describe what it looked like. It was white but it spread out in a geometric shape, like a snowflake. It kept expanding and making shapes that were geometric.
L. A.: Please describe what you saw.
Witness: I saw it get bigger about the size of two fists in the air. It kept expanding and then all the sudden it shrunk down to nothing and disappeared.
L. A.: How long did you observe the object?
Witness: I say we observed the objects for a good 15 minutes.
L. A.: Why are you so sure the object was not a star or planet?
Witness: It was way too big to be a star or planet and the way it disappeared leads me to believe it was something else. In fact, one of the people with me said that it looked supernatural.
L. A.: How did the object leave the scene?
Witness: The object just shrunk until it disappeared
L. A.: Did the object make a sound?
Witness: There was no sound
L. A.: In your own words, tell us why you believe it was a UFO?
Witness: I believe this was a UFO because I’ve seen UFOs before and this looked a lot like others I’ve seen in the past.
I also know the area, and in my time in the military, I’ve seen military aircraft and this was not one of them. Out of the four of us that saw the object two of us were ex-military.
UFOs move with impunity in every country on this planet. Who is The Prince of the Power of the Air? This title is reserved for the god of this world, Satan.
I would posit that his end game is one of deception. Thus, because of the increase of UFO sightings that we are experiencing, at some point, in the near future, we will have disclosure of the so-called extraterrestrial presence. Once that happens the world will never be the same. It will be ET, 24—7—365!
This event is what I have come to call The Coming Great Deception. 
If the church is still here—and we might have been take up which actually allows the “revealing” to happen in the first place—then I would put to you, for your consideration, that millions of Christians will loose their faith in the God of the Bible, as the UFO disclosure and the crafts that most likely will appear, will be the ultimate game-changer.
This is one of the reasons why I created the new film series,  The Watchman Chronicles. 
The Watchman Chronicles: In Their Own Words 
I travel all over the United States and Canada, speaking at conferences. I use this opportunity to film the folks who have encountered UFOs, and come on the camera and tell about it, In Their Own Words! 
These people have seen something and their testimonies are true. We have folks who report seeing everything from strange lights in the sky, diamond shaped craft, the classic disc-shaped craft, to dancing orbs that change color, as they dart about the night sky. What are we to make of these sightings? Should we ignore them?
NO! In my opinion, these enigmatic lights are yet another sign that we are in the last days. Remember what Paul admonishes us, as he states: “Satan comes with all signs and lying wonders.”
I think his words are timely and poignant for the times in which we live.
There’s a retired pilot who has flown for more than 40 years, who comes on the record. His UFO encounter took place decades ago but his recollection of the event he witnessed is fresh in his mind, as if it happened yesterday.
The pilots name is Dennis and he is also a trained witness. He gives very specific, detailed information about his encounter.
The UFO moved at speeds in excess of 30,000 miles per hour when it approached Dennis’ commercial airliner. The UFO flew next to his plane for about seven minutes, before it finally left the scene, at the same incredible speed as when it approached the plane.
There is also new information about the so-called UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, that happened in 1947.
Two witnesses, who come on the record for The Watchman Chronicles, In Their Own Words, recall the testimony of Colonel Hill, who passed away about a month after he confided in them that the crash that happened at Roswell, was not a weather balloon.
One astonishing detail of my interview with these folks happened when they told me Colonel Hill had actually tried to communicate with one of the so-called alien beings at Roswell. They also stated that the “alien,” who was under five feet in height, had a large head, large almond-shaped eyes and had a one-piece gray jump-suit on.
I think the most revealing aspect of the interview was when they stated on camera the entity had six fingers.
Perhaps the center piece of the film is my interviews with Al Matthews. Al had experiences with the UFO phenomenon that were ongoing. He was “taken” many times and some of these episodes are recreated for the film.
Al was driving in his car on the way home from work when both Al and his car were taken into a ship. Four hours later he was lowered back onto the road in a brilliant bean of light. His body was vibrating and he was terrified. He discovered he had four hours of missing time and was hundreds of miles from where he should have been.
For this new film I hired the services of Wesley Sangiori who is a Graphic Motion Artist. Wesley brings to life the stories and testimonies throughout the movie and he did an amazing recreation of Al’s story and the other accounts that are in the film.
Throughout The Watchman Chronicles the use of CGI—Computer Generated Images—enhance the testimonies that people bring to the table.
In Their Own Words—UFOs Are Real!  is the first film inThe Watchman Chronicles series and there will be more to follow. I love the idea of getting people to come on the record and giving them a platform to share their stories, that might otherwise, never see the light of day.

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