The Hysteria of the Loony Left!

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

If I stand up and call for border control, I might be called a Nazi.
If I stand up and decry gay marriage, I might be called a Nazi.
If I call for a ban on immigration from countries that promote Jihad, I might be called a Nazi.
If I sate America First and wear a MAGA hat, I might be called a Nazi.
If I’m against sanctuary cities, I might be called a Nazi.
If I support Ann Coulter, I might be called a Nazi.
If I espouse my Christians beliefs, I might be called a Nazi.
If I state that abortion is murder and want to repeal Roe v. Wade, I might be called a Nazi.
The left shuts down free-speech, or speech that they disagree with on a regular basis. They use the term Nazi for anyone who disagrees with their ideology. However, as the video above clearly shows, they have no idea of what a real Nazi was/is.


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