MORE Soft Diclosure on Tucker Carlson

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

As I predicted, soft disclosure continues unabated. Once again FOX news discussed the tic-tac UFO that we first learned about last December. This story has been repeated over and over again on the net and on other news outlets. It’s not going away. If you’re reading this you have to ask yourself why is this story on FOX news? FOX is a conservative news outlet. Surely they wouldn’t wast their time discussing UFOs… right? UFOs are the stuff of tin-foil hat people!
Not so fast citizen. The revealing of the so-called extraterrestrial presence is the ultimate game changer and will lead to what I have coined as The Coming Great Deception.
I will do a special PP&S Report on this ongoing soft disclosure this week and will post it on my YouTube channel. (L A MARZULLI)
You can now watch The Watchman Chronicles – In Their Own Words – UFOs are Real on my Vimeo channel.

Go to. L A Marzulli on VIMEO

If you want the DVD—

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