Update from Israel!
Israel has been amazing! The people are wonderful and our tour group has already become a family. Today we go to one site that has been on my bucket list for years. It lies in the Golan Heights and is called Gigal Rephaim, the Circle of the Giants! I will be filming there for a film that will be released in 2019.
What is amazing to me is this. In the shops, there are all sorts of “biblical trinkets.” One depicts the well-known passage showing the spies coming out of the Promised Land with a huge cluster of grapes that is secured to a pole that takes two men to carry. In other words, this part of the story is accepted but the real essence of the story is ignored, i.e. that there were GIANTS in the land.
Og was the last of the Rephaim. His bed was over 13 feet. He was a giant. why is it that Christians and Jews alike ignore what is going on here?
All of this is spelled out with great specificity in the Biblical narrative when we read in Genesis 3:15.
The Seed of the serpent will be at enmity with the seed of the woman. He will crush your head you will bruise his heel.
This is the first prophecy of the coming Messiah who will break the power of the dragon i.e. Satan.
If we don’t come to grips with what Genesis 3:15 states we are ignorant of the rest of the Bible and will have no idea of what is going on only three chapters later when the sons of God go into the daughters of men.
Their offspring were the Nephilm. Guess what? The Nephilim are in the Promised land thousands of years later.
As the Bible clearly states: The Nephilim were on the earth in those dyas—the days of Noah—and also afterward when the sons of God saw the daughters of men and had children by them.
For the life of me, I don’t understand while some people can’t get their heads around the fact that there was a second incursion.
Jesus also states that it will be like the Days of Noah when he returns. The hallmark of the Days of Noah and what really differentiates them from all other days is the presence of the Fallen Angles creating a hybrid race known as the Nephilim.
In my opinion, this is happening now with the so-called UFO abduction phenomenon and the breeding program that is ongoing which is creating a race of hybrids. I will most likely do a series on this soon as I think it is both timely and important.
We are postponing the Peru trip until 2019. The dates will be same. Those of you who signed up—about 8 of you—can get your deposits back or have us hold your spot until next year. We are also offering a “savings account!” In other words, if you want to go to Peru start by signing up and then depositing money each month in your own account. This is a great way to ensure a spot on the tour next year.
L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Engagements! I’m wide open in JUNE! I’d love to come to your church or conference…
2018 Conference Schedule
January 5-7 -2018 – Church of His Presence, Alabama. We had a wonderful time with Pastor John and the great people of CHP!! http://www.churchofhispresence.org
March 17 -18 Grace Fellowship Church Dayton Ohio area. Pastor Michael Berner: Great people there! http://www.gracefellowshipohio.org/events/
March 22-25 – Dallas Texas! Hear the Watchman Conference! Mike & Jeannie hit it out of the park. Great to see all the folks and the presentations were informative. See you in Long Island
April 20-22 in Akron, Ohio. Coach Dave, Russ Dizdar, Pastor Paul Begley, The Haggman’s and more! Great to meet all the folks! Thanks for the great conference COACH! https://coachdavelive.com/occupy2018
May 18: The Anchor – Oceanside, California.
May – 26 June…: ISRAEL TOUR!!! L. A. Marzulli – Mondo Gonzales (Archaeologist MS) 11 day tour
To register please print off the formsand send them by fax: +97225377882or email: customer@lipkintours.com | Full tour package with flights out of NY = $4,500Land package only (no flights included) = $3,500 |
July 14-15 – Michigan – The Coming Great Deception Conference w/ Pastor Pete Valdez! Hope to see you there! www.jilm.org
July 23 – PERU TOUR!!!
The link below has all the details!
August 10-11: Hear The Watchmen – Long Island. www.hearthewatchmen.com
September 28-30: SWITZERLAND with Russ Dizdar and Timothy Alberino! here is the link:
October 12-14 – Prophecy Watchers Conference www.prophecywatchers.com
October 27-28: Southern Appalachian Prophecy Conference – Freedom-Lights Church – With Russ Dizdar!
November 9-11: Dallas! – John B. Wells
To book L. A. to speak at your church or conference.
Please email him: la@ lamarzulli.net