The Royal Wedding…

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli


“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”


First off I want to make something very clear. I hope only for the best for the newlyweds. I pray a blessing on their marriage, their household, and the children to come in the future. I wish them no ill will.
That being said. The American people—over 30 million of us—watched the so-called Royal wedding. How much did this little shin-dig set the taxpayers of England back? More importantly why are there royals in the first place?
Please take note of what is in our constitution. There’s a reason for this. Royalty and nobility set up a permanent class system. Those of us—the vast majority of folks—will, as the popular song indicates, never be royals.
I take great umbrage in royalty of any sort from any country. Kings, queens, dukes, earls and the whole lot are a thing of the past and belong, in my opinion, in the dust-bin of history.
Why is Prince Harry’s wedding any more important than someone else’s? It isn’t, but all the pomp and circumstance surrounding the wedding create the illusion of a Disney fairytale and this is why the masses swoon at the spectacle.
Our media offers up a constant stream of articles, pictures, and gossip about the royal family. These articles et all have set up an acceptance of royalty in our country. Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves at this.
As I stated earlier, royalty sets up a class system by which the deck is stacked as a commoner most likely will never attain a royal title. Thus the ruling class of nobles are always above the people. This is why it is forbidden in our constitution.
Here’s what Shana stated in an email she sent me yesterday!
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Well here we go again….As a follow-up to my email regarding the debauchery that took place at the Met Gala, I felt compelled to address the equally perverse “royal” wedding.  Something is very wrong with our society that seemingly the entire planet pushes pause to tune into this mania. WHY do people care? In a time that we are faced with serious crises like the latest in a chain of school massacres, a devastating plane crash, an erupting volcano, imminent war in the bubbling Middle East cauldron, and lunatics developing weapons of mass destruction, this should be a non-event, a minor blip on the radar.  And yet, people are waking up at 4 am and hosting tea parties to toast the next duke and duchess? Give me a break!
This unnatural obsession with celebrities in our culture has gone too far. We, and by we I’m referring to the “royal” in this context, are treating these people as deified humans. We don’t even wait for them to pass on anymore before elevating them to godlike status.  And too many Christians are taking part in these disturbing rituals unaware of what’s really going on, like the accelerating erosion of our rights and freedom. This is yet another strategically orchestrated event by the powers that be, call them what you will, that serve to distract the sleeping masses. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
Nearly a dozen kids lost their lives in the latest school shooting, we could seriously be facing an Ezekiel 38 war, Hawaii is on the brink of being consumed, and an out of control media is trying to take down the Trump administration, but the most important item of the day is who designed Meghan Markle’s wedding gown?!
I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to tempt a jealous God by engaging in this idolatry. Because that’s what this is….a form of modern-day idol worship, and I’m calling these people out because enough is enough! I don’t even need to go down the rabbit hole and elaborate on the Masonic symbolism prevalent in the second royal “wedding of the century.” As far as I’m concerned, there is only ONE royal that I am ever bowing down to. He is the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords: Jesus Christ. And that is one marriage celebration in which I can’t wait to take part!
May God bless you and your group with safe travels to Israel this week.
(Watchwoman in training)


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